PAPEI RG 9 Collector of Customs Shipping Inward - 1805

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Submitted by Gary Carroll - [email protected]

The following records were found in PAPEI RG 9 Collector of Customs Shipping Inward. These are ship arrivals to Prince Edward Island during that year:

10 April, 1805 - "Ruby" of 46 tons Capt. John Cowan from Halifax
06 May, 1805 - "Nelly" of 49 tons Capt. Geo. Jollimore from Tatmagouche, NS
06 May, 1805 - "Hibernia" of 39 tons Capt. John Ryan from Halifax
13 May, 1805 - "Micmac" of 33 tons Capt. Wm. Nayler from Halifax
22 May, 1805 - "Assistance" of 45 tons Capt. Colin Mckenzie from Arichat, CB
11 June, 1805 - "Nancy" of 100 tons Capt. W.S. Church from Tobermory, N Britain with 32 passengers & baggage; 547 yds. linen cloth
17 June, 1805 - "Endeavour" of 70 tons Capt. Dond. McKendrick from Halifax
22 June, 1805 - "Adventure" of 121 tons Capt. John Johnston from St. John's, Nfld.
01 July, 1805 - "John" of 116 tons Capt. Saml. Heath from Portsmouth, GB
03 July, 1805 - "Virtue" of 28 tons Capt. Firmin Martin from Halifax
03 July, 1805 - "Favorite Polly" of 72 tons Capt. Chas. Starnes from St. John's, Nfld.
08 July, 1805 - "Assistance" of 45 tons Capt. Colin McKenzie from Halifax
12 July, 1805 - "Hamilton" of 66 tons Capt. Edw. McKay from St. John's, Nfld.
14 July, 1805 - "Peggy" of 33 tons Capt. John Doucette from Quebec
17 July, 1805 - "Nelly" of 49 tons Capt. Steph. Gallant from St. John's, Nfld.
18 July, 1805 - "Jane" of 76 tons Capt. Alex. Campbell from St. John's, Nfld.
18 July, 1805 - "Agnes" of 55 tons Capt. Wm. Woodside from St. John's, Nfld.
22 July, 1805 - "Dart" of 56 tons Capt. James Young from St. John's, Nfld.
24 July, 1805 - "Sea Flower" of 30 tons Capt. Wm. Graham from St. John's, Nfld.
25 July, 1805 - "Charlotte" of 31 tons Capt. Jos. Peters from Halifax
27 July, 1805 - "Nancy" of 48 tons Capt. Elias Durong from St. John's, Nfld.
03 Aug., 1805 - "Isabella" of 40 tons Capt. David Higgins from White Head, NS with 7 pairs mill stones
12 Aug., 1805 - "Hamilton" of 66 tons Capt. Edw. McKay. from Richibucto, NB with 30,000 feet of planks
16 Aug., 1805 - "Two Sisters" of 32 tons Capt. Luke Richard from Halifax
30 Aug., 1805 - "Kitty" of 36 tons Capt. John Gosbee from Sydney, CB with 9 chaldrons coals
07 Sep., 1805 - "Agnes" of 55 tons Capt. Wm. Woodside from St. John's, Nfld.
13 Sep., 1805 - "Nelly" of 49 tons Capt. Steph. McEachern from St. John's, Nfld.
14 Sep., 1805 - "Nancy" of 37 tons Capt. Wm. Kennedy from Arichat, CB
18 Sep., 1805 - "Nelly" of 49 tons Capt. Geo. Jollimore from Ramshag, NS with 9.000 feet boards
26 Sep., 1805 - "Isabella" of 40 tons Capt. David Higgins from Halifax
30 Sep., 1805 - "Sea Flower" of 30 tons Capt. Simon Burke from St. John's, Nfld.
01 Oct., 1805 - "Charlotte" of 35 tons Capt. John Atkinson from Halifax
01 Oct., 1805 - "Nancy" of 61 tons Capt. Thos. Townsend from St. John's, Nfld.
03 Oct., 1805 - "Northern Friends" of 245 tons Capt. Arch. McPherson from Stornaway, N Britain with 91 passengers & baggage
07 Oct., 1805 - "Hibernia" of 39 tons Capt. John Ryan from Pictou, NS
23 Oct., 1805 - "Ruby" of 46 tons Capt. John Cowan from Halifax
10 Nov., 1805 - "Success" of 26 tons Capt. Law. Martin from Halifax
07 Dec., 1805 - "Nelly" of 49 tons Capt. Steph. McEachern from Halifax
07 Dec., 1805 - "Jane" of 76 tons Capt. Arch. Campbell from Halifax with 1 winnowing machine
07 Dec., 1805 - "Agnes" of 55 tons Capt. Wm. Woodside from St. John's, Nfld.
09 Dec., 1805 - "Dart" of 56 tons Capt. John Campbell from St. John's, Nfld.
16 Dec., 1805 - "Hannah" of 43 tons Capt. Patrick Power from St. John's, Nfld.

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Last Updated: 08/10/2003 5:34:42 PM
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