Barnstead Fire, 1843

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Submitted by Gary Carroll - [email protected]

Colonial Herald Sat., 22 July, 1843

FIRE. - A fire broke out at 7 o'clock on Thursday morning, in a building in the occupation of Mr. Barnstead, a Baker, and used by him as a Bakehouse, situate at the rear of Mr. Lawrence Cummings, Queen Street, one of the most densely built upon spots in the town. The alarm being speedily given, the Firemen with their Engines, with their accustomed prompitude, repaired to the spot, and providentially a good supply of water being obtained, the destructive element was soon got under - no more damage having happened than the destruction of the building in which the fire originated. Had this taken place at night, it is impossible to calculate upon the extent of damage which must inevitably have followed among our wooden buildings in the heat of summer. - Ib.

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