The Patriot, Saturday, June 2, 1866 - Extracts

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Transcribed by Dave Hunter - [email protected]

The following items transcribed from the The Patriot, Saturday, June 2, 1866. As this is a rare issue, and not in PARO's collections, following transcription, the paper will be donated to the Archives.

The Patriot, Saturday, June 2, 1866


Fenian Raid into Canada:

We learn that a telegram was received in this city yesterday, announcing that 1500 Fenians had taken possession of Fort Erie, and that 2000 had crossed over into Canada at Niagara. Fort Erie is on the Canada side, nearly opposite the city of Buffalo, and so far as we are aware not garrisoned by a single soldier. But the fact that some three or four thousand armed marauders have actually entered British territory is sufficiently alarming, though we cannot believe they can retain their foothold for many days. If they make a stout resistance, the struggle will be bloody, and the retribution terrible. Let the loyal sons of P.E. Island hold themselves in readiness, for we also at no distant day might have to fight for our hearths and our homes.

Since the above was written, we learn by the telegrams received here last evening from British Consul at New York and others, that Fort Erie, and Windsor, and Sarnia are in possession of the Fenians. Four thousand Fenians are marching on Chipawa. Fenians have possession of telegraphic wires, and have sent to the States for men and money. They have six field pieces; and it is said to have destroyed some thirty or forty miles of the Grand Trunk Railroad. Great excitement all over British America.

By Telegraph to Reading Room:

June 2, 1866 - Volunteers found Fenians encamped. Attacked them. Fight now general. Volunteers driving the Fenians. Numbers killed on both sides. Colonel Peacock, with Regulars and Artillery, have sent dispatches that they cannot be there at once, but it is thought Volunteers will at least hold their own till the Regulars come up. Volunteers behaved splendidly.

More Fenian News from the Issue:

Toronto - C. W., 25. - The counsel for the Cornwall prisoners charged with Fenianism, applied to the Court of Common Pleas for a writ of Habeas Corpus. The Chief Justice promised judgment tomorrow.


Toronto, May 26 - A writ of habeas corpus has been granted in the case of the Fenian prisoners, returnable next week.


Cleveland, Ohio, May 29. - Three or four hundred Fenians, partly armed and carrying colours, and officered by men with side-arms, passed here last night and today, going east. They were orderly and quiet and claimed to be marching to California to work on the Railroad. [When did they move California to the east coast? :-)]


New York, May 29, p.m. - A despatch from Cincinatti has the following from the "Commercial":

"There is a movement of Fenians going on. Quite a number of them left this city yesterday, bound to Canada. Large shipments of arms have been made northward within a few days. There are signs that an extensive raid is about to be made on Canada. Movements of men and transportation of arms have been in progress for some days with a degree of secrecy that indicates business."


Tenant League Debate:

In the debate on the Tenant League, (11th April) as reported in the House of Assembly debates, Colonel Gray, in reference to the reduction of the rents of certain tenants on the Murray Harbor Estate, is made to say:- "I myself had occasion to read in one of the local newspapers, an equally unfounded statement respecting this matter, to the effect that this great boon had been procured owing to the interference of the Lieutenant Governor. I appeal to the Honorable Members now sitting here for Murray Harbor, if they do not know well that the boon was entirely of a private nature; and that the person who procured that boon from Sir Samuel Cunard would never have applied for it if he had heard that any intimidation had been used." Close following this language, Col. Gray is made to state, in speaking of a requisition sent to him from the Murray Harbor District: "Their District must be ever dear to me, and I owe them far more than I have accomplished for them." If Col. Gray's intention intention in the above speech was to make the Tenants alluded to, or any others of the Murray Harbor District, believe that it was by his (Colonel Gray's) influence, and without any of Governor Dundas's, that the boon in question was conferred on these tenants, he has not correctly represented the fact. We have good reason to state that the boon originated be a desire or proposition expressed by the Governor that Sir Samuel Cunard would sell to the Government that part of his Estate on which these tenants were settled, which Sir Samuel's agent declined to do; but as the next best thing for Tenants, consented to reduce the rents; and that such consent was wholly irrespective of Col. Gray's, whatsoever.

It may not be appropriate here to mention that many persons on the Selkirk estate are to this day under the impression that the estate was sold by Earl Selkirk, owing chiefly to the interference of Col. Gray. On the contrary, we have been given to understand on pretty good authority, that the negotiation with the Earl of Selkirk for the purchase, was opened before Col. Gray knew anything about it, and the bargain as good as concluded on before he ventured to give any decided opinion in favour of the purchase.



The Toronto Globe, in commenting upon the recent vote in the House of Assembly, on Confederation, after giving the names of the notable seven, says -

"Mr. W. H. Pope, the Provincial Secretary, who was absent from the Colony, would, if present, have voted with the Unionists - making eight votes in all, against five Union votes last year. Thus we see that even Prince Edward Island moves."

"Moves"! yes, but against Confederation. This year, the resolutions passed in both branches of the Legislature were much more decided against Union that those of last year, and those brought forward by the Confederates much more feeble in its favor. In short, the resolutions proposed by Mr. Whelan during the late Session would, in this respect, almost have satisfied the Antis this year, who then simply declared that they, "disagreed to the recommendations of the Quebec Convention;" so that instead of the vote this year indicating a movement in favor of Union, the very reverse is the case. The Globe -- after quoting the Islander's remarks to the effect that this Island, not being tiered to the other Provinces, will take time to consider, and observe whether the Union works well all around - perpetrates the following:-

"Well - we say it with all due respect - the other Provinces will manage to wait while the little "island takes time to consider."

We are right glad to hear that the other Provinces will "manage" so much. We hope also that they will "manage" to let the people of the Island alone. We are not seeking Confederation when the Canadian Ministers, and the editor of the Globe among the rest, came down to the Charlottetown Conference, to press the subject upon the Maritime Provinces. We can "manage to wait" until Canada gets over her financial difficulties before we seek for a Union with her; and we can "wait," too until those asking our adoption of the Quebec Scheme find it in their hearts to offer us something more liberal and just to this Colony than the terms contained in that iniquitous measure.


Public Meetings on Confederation:

At the request of several members of the Legislature we publish the following paragraph, which suggests the propriety of the people of this Island holding meetings in their several localities, to make known their sentiments with respect to Confederation. If the electors of this Colony are opposed to the scheme, they should, after the busy season of planting is over, take such opportunities of expressing their views as may prevent the other Provinces from supposing that the people of this Island will ever accept the terms of the Quebec Report, - the only terms to which the Canadians seem willing to accede. The paragraph referred to reads thus:--

"The Despatches and Correspondence received from Her Majesty's Colonial Minister, on the subject of Confederation, and laid before the Legislature of this Colony at its last session, having undergone the consideration of both branches of the Legislature, and the proposal that this Colony should enter into the said Confederation having been negatived by the Unanimous voice of the Legislative Council, and by a large majority of the House of Assembly, it now appears necessary that the inhabitants of this Island should, with as little delay as possible, give public expression to their opinion on the merits of this grave and all-important question. It is considered that if the people approve of the action of the Legislature, that approval should be made apparent by something more than their tacit sanction. If they remain passive, their opinions, it is feared - in view of events that are passing in neighbouring Provinces, - notwithstanding the vote of their representatives in the Legislature, may be misconstrued or misrepresented to their serious disadvantage before the next General Election. It, therefore appears desirable that the people of the Colony should convene public meetings without delay, at convenient places in each County, and give decided expressions of their opinion on the subject - but confining their deliberations to this most especially in the Districts of those members who have voted in favor of Confederation."


A Canadian View of the Quebec Scheme:

The discussions of 1864, on this question are to some extent forgotten. Probably there is no better authority as to the effects of the Quebec Scheme of Confederation, should it be carried into operation, than Hon. A. T. Galt, Finance Minister of Canada. He is about the most able politician in that Province; and, being one of the most active men in originating the Scheme in question, he as far-seeing financier no doubt looked to the interests of Canada. His speech delivered to his constituents at Sherbrooke, on the 23rd of November, 1864, shortly after the sitting of the Quebec Conference, is perhaps the most full and clear exposition of the probable working of the constitution there agreed upon that is anywhere to be found. As that constitution, Mr. Cartier, Attorney General for Canada East, says, "cannot be ammended," it may be well to republish some extracts from Mr. Galt's speech on the subject. The following is copied from one of our Nos. from December, 1864:-

In Speaking of the "political necessaries of Canada," Mr. Galt says:

"Events as they were aware had ripened rapidly during the last two or three years, and within the present year they have seen the machine of Government almost brought to a dead lock."

Again, he says:

"In coming forward, as we were obliged to do, from the necessities of the case, to consider a remedy for our own evils"... "No part of British North America would derive so great benefits from the Confederation as Lower Canada."

The above extracts set forth in a clear light how very disinterested the Canadians are in seeking this Union. It is proof that the terms of Confederation are so perfected as to most materially to benefit the Canadian Finances at the expense of the Maritime Provinces, the following extracts will, we think, satisfy any intelligent reader:

"It was therefore apparent that we were not going into a partnership with Colonies which required our support in a financial point of view. They had always been able to pay their own way, and they were well able to pay their own way now. They even brought in to the public exchequer an amount per head greater than we should contribute ourselves.: ... "In Canada, he was sorry to say that in 1863 instead of a surplus there, there was a deficiency - a deficiency of $982,431, nearly a million dollars."... "The gentleman from the Lower Provinces had been asked what reductions they could make in the Government of the several colonies, and the figures he was about to give would be most satisfactory as showing the disposition of those gentlemen." ... "Prince Edward Island would reduce her expenditure from $170,000 to $124,000."

That is, our expenditure would be reduced from £51,000 - the amount expended in 1863 - to £37,200, and this in the face of the fact that we have this year expended, certainly, not less than £60,000. It is curious, however, that,

"In regard to Upper and Lower Canada he would not undertake to say what reduction would be made."

Speaking of the local Governments, Mr. Galt says:

"It was proposed to take away from them every source of revenue they possessed, and then to give them from the public chest a sufficient subsidy to enable the machinery to work." ... "The subsidy proposed to be given to local Legislatures was fixed, not at an increasing rate according to population, but at the rate which existed at the census of 1861. By this means as the population increased the subsidy would not increase with it." ... "If they increased their population, in proportion to the growth of population, they would be obliged to resort to direct taxation"..."In the present state of affairs, we found by uniting all our means and taking out all wanted for local purposes, there would be left for the General Government upwards of a million and a quarter dollars over and above our present expenditure."

In speaking of the Militia and what would be expected from them, Mr. Gault says:

"Every man in the United Provinces should feel that his own house was in danger, though the attack was made a thousand miles away."..."In Canada there was a large population available for the inland defence of the country, while in the maritime Provinces there was a large seafaring population, who though no perhaps required for their own defence, would be available to strike a blow which would have the effect of withdrawing or weakening the hostile attack on Upper or Lower Canada."

Let the Militia of Prince Edward Island hold themselves in readiness to march off to Upper Canada to fight for the Canadians, and that may not be long first.

The Question is frequently asked "How is it that with all the leading men on both sides of Politics in all the Lower Provinces appear in favor of the Union, when it was well known that several of them a few months since were quite opposed to it?" We do not say that the following quotations from Mr. Galt contain a solution of the above question, but we will give them and let the reader draw his own conclusion. We would, in the first place, observe that the nomination of the Legislative Councillors is to be for life, with an allowance such as would become their position. Mr. Galt says:

"The nomination should be made that not only the members composing the Government, but also the opposition to the Government should be fairly represented in the Legislative Council." ... "It was therefore proposed that there would be a guarantee given that all political parties should be as nearly as possible fully represented." ... "In keeping the appointment of the Lieutenant Governor in the hands of the General Government, this further advantage would be gained, the appointments would be conferred on men in our own country (Hear, hear.") ... "It was desirable, he thought, that we should have within our reach the opportunity of rewarding merit by appointing from among ourselves in the several Provinces those who would be the heads of the local Governments."

A tempting bait will sometimes wrap a man's judgment. In our humble opinion the following quotation from Mr. Galt reveals more of the real state of the Canadian Finance than any other thing we have read on the question. It would really appear, from Mr. Galt's own admission, that some six weeks since, Canadian Bonds and Securities were as worthless as our Treasury Warrants were six years ago. The following is Mr. Galt's language:

"If we looked at the marked advance in the price of our Securities that had taken place in the last three of four weeks, according to official advices from England, since intelligence had reached that country of the probability of Union being effected here, our Securities which had been greatly depressed, has risen no less than 15 percent; our 5 cents being now quotes at 90 to 92. (Applause) That might be received as an indication of what the monied world conceived to be the greater security Canada would enjoy under a Union, and that we might accept it as an evidence of the propriety of the course we were now talking, when that which was the most sensitive of all interests - the public credit - was beneficially effected, even by the intelligence of the meeting of Colonial Delegates."

What a deplorable state of affairs, when the Canadian Bond for £100, bearing 5 percent interest, would only realize £75 in the best market in the world (England); While, at the same time, (if our Memory serves us) English 4 percent bonds are at a premium! There is a deal in the above quotations calculated to interest and influence the decision of any thinking mind. Possibly a Union may be desirable when we can see our way clear, and get good terms; but they will have to be very different from those compounded in the "Official Report."


The Wider Field:

When the proposition of Union of the Maritime Provinces was first submitted in the House of Assembly, it was said that the proposed measure was "devised more in the interests of the ruling parties in the neighbouring colonies, than in regard to those of the people," and to give politicians "a wider field for the exersize of their talents and the extension of their sway." Two years ago, we believed this statement was true, and we believe it now. Dr. Tupper was then opposed to a Union with Canada. He and others we could name were at that time satisfied with the "field" which the three Maritime Colonies opened up to their ambition; but no sooner were the glories of Canada and the "Great West" laid before them than the "professional politicians" abandoned the broad field of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island for the still broader idea of a kingdom extending from Vancouver's Island to Halifax. Whether people would gain or lose by the first scheme was a question, but the "professional politician" would, by its adoption, exersize more "sway" and pocket a larger salary, was certain.Viewed from this standpoint, a Confederation of all British America was even more desirable than a Legislative Union of the Lower Colonies. The latter was speedily abandoned. Indeed no serious attempt was made to effect it. A few hours after the Canadians arrived in Charlottetown, it was doomed. The arguments which induced so sudden a change in opinion in the views of the politicians of this Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick must have been powerful; and we believe we are right in saying that these arguments were neither derived from the weighty considerations of defence, Intercolonial Free Trade, uniformity of currency and tarriff, Nor the dread of the abrogation of the Reciprocity treaty. The questions of Colonial Governorships, Judgeships, and larger saleries decided the point. With the Delegates, the latter was, as far as our knowledge goes, the principal topic of conversation. The small salaries of Government officials was a peculiar abomination, for which a remedy could only be found in a Union of the Colonies. From henceforth, Colonial Governors must be Colonists. In order to place our Judiciary on a proper basis, a Confederate Court of Appeal was indispensible. This would open "a wider field" for our politicians; and the authors of the Quebec Scheme knew it. If it were carried, they saw that higher positions were sure to be theirs. A slip of paper handed across the Conference table silenced Jonathan M'Cully. With him, that was the "first argument" in favour of Colonial Union. Now, he and his Confederate friends not only charge their opponents with being Annexationists, but also from acting from interested motives in condemning the Quebec Scheme. The accusation of disloyalty we need scarcely discuss with the allies of D'Arcy M'Gee. Neither Joseph Howe, Judge Marshall, Albert Smith, nor Edward Palmer ever cursed the Red Cross Flag of England. They never engaged in cabbage garden riots, nor sighed for annexation to any foreign country in preference to the British connection. Their loyalty is not the loyalty of unsuccessful and pardoned rebels. With regard to the imputation of selfish and interested motives, the Anti-Confederates are not more obnoxious to it than the advocates of the Quebec Scheme. Take their past career as a criterion, and the former will compare favourable with the latter. Self-interest indeed! Out of Confederation the highest civil appointment which Nova Scotia can give Joseph Howe is not worth more than £700 a year; in Confederation a man of his ability would command an office worth three times that amount. The same remark will apply to all leading Anti-Confederates in New Brunswick and this Island. Let the Quebec Scheme be adopted, and who will gain more by it than its advocates. On this subject, the following extract from a speech delivered by Mr. McLellan in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly is to the point:-

"The member for Inverness says all the lawyers - all the leading statesmen - all the professed politicians favor the Scheme, and therefore the strong inference is that it is right. I beg to differ with him in his conclusion. When the professional politicians of a country - the men who make a living by politics - agree on any measure I cannot regard it as evidence that it will be beneficial to their country. The simple fact is that it is to improve the position of those of them who may be successful may make then unanimous in supporting it, and comparing the list of salaries in Canada with those in Nova Scotia we find so great a difference that it is not impossible but it has influence here. Let me mention a few of the salaries found on the list.

  Canada Nova Scotia
Atty. Gen'l East and West $10,000 $2,000
Solicitor General ditto $6000 $800
Contingencies ditto $3,800 $000
Provincial Secretary $5,000 $2,800
Clerks and Contingencies $30,000 $4,089
Surveyor General $5,000 $2,000
Clerks and Contingencies $94,049 $3,155
Receiver General $5,000 $2,400
Financial Secretary $5,000 $2,400
Clerks and Contingencies $43,649 $1,878
Executive Council Expenses $25,510 $400

"From this comparison (and the difference is greater between Canada and this Island), we might, if so disposed, draw the inference that the unanimity of our professional politicians arises from the fact that Confederation will give them very much larger salaries... They who raised this question - those who gave it its existance - who have arranged all of its offices; the Judgeships, the Governorships, and others; and who, when this measure is forced through as they are doing, shall fill those high positions - are the men that all others open to a charge of selfish motives, and they should have more modesty than to raise it. Sir, I envy no man his office or his honors, and God forbid that I should ever enjoy them at the sacrifice of my countrymen's rights. Others may take them, but however great their reward may be personally, it will not make their country's wounds less sore. - It is not true, as believed as believed in the dark days of superstition, that "a salve to the sword will cure the wound it has given." I oppose this proposition because I believe it is wrong in itself; because, territorially situated as we are, it will tend to destroy the harmony and good feeling existing among these provinces, by bringing into conflict their diversified interests; that it will retard the prosperity of this province, by imposing upon us heavy financial burthens; that it will weaken our connection with the mother country and our means of defence, by rendering the people less attached to their form of Government and ultimately carry us into the arms of the great republic."

We stated in a former number of this paper that upwards of forty years ago William Lyon McKenzie "the Canadian Rebel," pressed the subject of a Confederation of British North America on the notice of the British Government. The celebrated Lord Durham afterwards advocated a Legislative Union of the Colonies, but that statesman did not recommend the adoption, by the Imperial Parliament, of any scheme of Union in opposition to the well-understood wishes of the people. On the contrary, he declared that it was but right and just to give them time for "ample deliberation" as well as to secure their consent to any change. In his report he says:-

"But the state of the Lower Provinces, though it justifies the proposal of a union, would not, I think render it gracious or even just on the part of Parliament to carry it into effect without referring it for the ample deliberation and consent of the people of these Colonies."

Lord Durham also bears testimony to the Loyalty off the North American Colonies and "warns" the Home authorities against impairing that feeling. He states:

"Indeed, throughout the whole of the North American provinces there prevails among the British population an affection for the mother country and a preference for the institutions which a wise and firm policy on the part of the Imperial Government may make the foundation on a safe, honorable, and enduring connection. But even this feeling may be impaired, and I must warn those in whose hands the disposal of their destinies rests, that a blind reliance on the all-enduring loyalty of our countrymen may be carried too far."

It apears to us that it is certainly carrying a "blind reliance on the all-enduring loyalty of our countrymen" too far, when the Lower Colonies are sought to be Confederated to Canada without "the consent of the people of these Colonies." Even should New Brunswick now return a majority in favor of the Quebec Scheme, ought that to decide the fate of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island? Have not the people of these two Colonies as good a right to be heard in this manner as their neighbours in New Brunswick, who may constitutionally consent for themselves, but not for others.

That Address:

As we hinted a week or two ago, an Address has been gotten up by certain "red-hot unionists" in Charlottetown to compliment the seven in the House of Assembly who voted in favor of Confederation when the subject was before that body at its last session.We have not seen the document and therefore cannot speak definately of its contents, but judging from the fact that those of who are out and out advocates of the Quebec Scheme, we conclude that it would be unwise for any person who is dissatisfied with the details of that scheme, to sign the Address to the seven. Had the Confederates in the house come out with a set of straightforward and manly resolutions, instead of two, the one contradicting the other, they might have been thanked for their upright and consistent course, but acting as they did, declaring simply that a plan of Confederation "might be so framed" as not to sacrifice the interests of any Colony, when they knew right well that a scheme was already framed, which a majority of them had previously announced to be "just and liberal" to Prince Edward Island, - and when they also knew that there was scarcely any prospect that a new "plan of Confederation" would ever be framed, we hold that their resolutions were a little short of refined deception. The resolutions proposed by the Hon. Leader of the Government may have been strong - too strong for the conciences of the seven. Well then, they are at perfect liberty to vote against them; and had they simply done so they would have been entitled to some credit. But when they endeavoured to carry resolutions very little better than absurd, certainly, they deserve very little commendation by address or otherwise. As the seven were all Confederates save one, and the promoters of the Address appear to be chiefly Liberals of the deepest dye, is the whole thing not a dodge to widen the breach in the Conservative ranks, caused by this unhappy Union contraversy? We would caution all who are asked to sign the Address to give it a careful reading, and then consider whether they - in view of the contradictory resolutions which the seven supported, - can endorse every word it contains, before they set their names to a document which may be used for a purpose that they never anticipated.

[This is the address referred to as "That Address" above - " A Pro-Confederation Address to the Honorables Colonel Gray, T. Heath Haviland, Edward Whelan, Daniel Davies, David Kaye, and Messrs. Colin McLennan and Daniel Green" - these are the "Notable Seven" referred to in the anti-Confederation articles above. One will note there seems to be a split by newspaper with regards to their support for Confederation - the Examiner and Islander tended to be Pro-Confederation, while the Patriot seemed decidedly Anti-Confederation. With rhetoric such as this, it is understandable why the Island lagged behind other Provinces in joining Canada.]

Mr. Secretary Pope's Resignation:

The Colonial Secretary has resigned his office and seat in the Executive Council. In announcing the fact, yesterday's Islander endeavours to make it appear that Mr. Pope is a martyr to his Confederation princibles. The Islander says the grounds of the Secretary's resignation are:-

"His entertaining opinions upon Confederation diametrically opposed to the views held upon this important subject by a majority of the members of the local Government, and also his belief that it is his duty to endeavour to shew to the electors of this Island that Confederation would benefit them, and that, as dutiful subjects, it is incumbent uopn them to disavow the resolutions passed last session by the House of Assembly."

Mr. Pope's opinons on Confederation have not, we believe, undergone any change since his return from the Quebec Conference.He was then as diametrically opposed to the majority of the Executive and the House of Assembly as he is now; and it the Islander's "grounds" to be the real cause of his resignation, they were equally valid in 1864. Why did not Mr. Pope resign then? is the query which comes to every lip. When the Islander states that the Colonial Secretary "retires from the Executive", in order to evidence his condemnation of the resolution of the majority of the House of Assembly, and to enable him more freely and independently to advise the people of this Island that so long as they remain subjects of the British Crown, they must be held bound to pay deference to the "desires and wishes" of the Colonial Minister; but how did he speak, write and act two years ago, when the Duke of Newcastle disallowed the Orange Bill?

The Executive Council meets today. It is understood that the Colonial Secretary's resignation will be accepted. The Hon. Mr. Longworth will, says the Islander, probably succeed him. This, however, is doubtful. The Hon. Mr. Haviland is also spoken of in this connection, and it is, we think, pretty certain he will be the new Colonial Secretary. James Duncan, Esq. is to fill the vacancy at the Council Board.


Mails - Summer Arrangement.

The Mails for the United Kingdom, the neighboring Provinces, United States, &c., will, until further notice, be made up and forwarded from the General Post Office, Charlottetown, as follows -

-For Canada, New Brunswick, and the United States, via Shediac, every Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, and every Friday morning, at 8 o'clock.

-For Nova Scotia, via Pictou, every Monday and Thursday morning at 9, and via Brule, every Wednesday and Friday evening at 8 o'clock.

-Mails for Great Britain, Newfoundland, and the West Indies, every alternate Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, as follows.

Wednesday, May 9

Wednesday, Aug 1

Wednesday, May 23

Wednesday, Aug 15

Wednesday, June 6

Wednesday, Aug 29

Wednesday, June 20

Wednesday, Sep 12

Wednesday, July 4

Wednesday, Sep 26

Wednesday, July 18

Wednesday, Oct 10

L. C. Owen, Postmaster General

Gen. Post Office, Charlottetown, May 1, 1866


Alteration in Scale for Rating Letters:

On and after this date the mode of Charging Letters uniformly by half ounces will be applicable to letters addressed to the following places, viz:-

Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundland, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Gold Coast, Lagos, Foreign Ports on West Coast of Africa, Falkland Islands

Gibraltar, Malta, and Egypt - via Southampton

Hong Kong and Labuan Ports in China and Japan - via Southampton or Marseilles - as under

For Letters under 1/2 ounce, 1 rate

For Letters under 1 ounce, 2 rates

For Letters under 1 1/2 ounce, 3 rates

For Letters under 2 ounce, 4 rate

L. C. Owen, Postmaster General.

General Post Office, Charlottetown, Feb. 10, 1866.


For Sale:

The Subscriber offers for Sale that valuable Property, formerly owned by Mr. Robert Hazard, containing 60 acres of Land - fronting on the North River, and adjoining "Upton". On the premises are a new House and Barn. The facilities for shipping Produce at the North River Bridge, and the extensive Mussel Beds which lie directly in front of this Farm, render it a most desirable Property.


That very valuable Freehold FARM, known as Schurman Point Farm, - distant about a mile and a half, in a direct line, from Summerside - containing 106 acres, and having a frontage of over a mile on Bedeque Bay and Wilmot Creek. About 40 acres are cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the remainder is covered with a fine growth of hard and soft wood. Terms easy. - apply to:

James C. Pope

Charlottetown, 7th May, 1866.


Real Estate at Auction:

To be Sold at Auction, on the Premises, on Wednesday, 6th June next, at 12 o'clock, The House and Land situate on Queen and King Street, known as the Old Court House, measuring 66 feet by 43 feet.

Also - The Dwelling House and Premises lately owned by William MacKay, in Dorchester street, now let at �25 per annum, measuring on Dorchester Street 42 feet and extending back 84 feet. A good title will be given. Terms: Liberal.

William Dodd, Auctioneer.

Charlottetown, May 14, 1866.


A Rare Chance:

The "Brooklyn Farm" is Now Offered for Sale.

The property of John Lane, Desable, P.E.Island. It is long and well-known as one of the best Farms in the Colony, comprising 122 acres chiefly cleared. The rear is covered with a valuable growth of Hardwood; in front is a small marsh, cutting 4 or 5 Tons Hay. The fields are well watered, and in size, from 4 to 6 acres, separated by Thorn and Spruce Hedges and Dykes of Stone and Sod.

As this farm has never been offered for sale before, nor intended so to be, the land is in the most perfect state of cleanliness and high culture.

There is a commodious DWELLING HOUSE, fronted by a beautiful GARDEN, soft and hard water and a good DAIRY, in connection with the Kitchen; accompanied by BARNS, CARRIAGE HOUSE, GRANARY, WORKSHOP, woodhouse, wash-house, and all the necessary supply of buildings and other conveniences and appurtenances requisite about such a residence.

This Property is most beautifully situated at the entrance of the DESABLE River, convenient to market, sea, manure, mud, &c., &c.; all of which with many other indescribable advantages, renders it one of the first residences in the County, either for a farmer, or for a private Gentleman.

This Property will only be in the market, by private contract, until the 1st of July. Any party desirous of embracing such a chance will do well to apply early.

Half of the purchase money may remain on the place on interest. For further particulars enquire of the Subscriber on the Premises.

C. S. Lane, April 10, 1866.


To Let:

ALL that pleasantly situated Shop, Dwelling House and Premises, lately occupied by Robert Hutchinson, Esquire, deceased, situated on Pownal Street, well known as an excellent stand for business. For terms, apply to:

James D. Mason, Charlottetown, May 1, 1866.


Vital Statistics:


At the Eastern St. Peters Church, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Henry Crawford, Mr. James Devon, late of Halifax, N.S., to Elizabeth T., eldest daughter of the late William Coffin, of Midgell, St. Peters. [Halifax papers please copy]

On the 24th, ult., by the Rev. Maurice Swabey, Rector of St. Judes, Carleton, Mr. Edward Throp, of Rothsay, King's Co., N.B. to Miss Isabella Meikle of P.E. Island.


At Bedeque, on the 17th inst., Catherine, relict of the late Major Hooper, Esq., in the 84th year of her age. Her end was peace.

At Bannockburn, on the 18th ult., James C. S. Brown, son of the late James Brown, aged 24 years.

At Cavendish, on the 4th ult., of inflammation of the lungs, Mr. David Clark, in the 57th year of his age. He was quiet and unobtrusive in his manner, and his whole deportment was such as becometh those who have professed faith in Christ.

The Halifax Reporter of the 26th ult., says: "Our obituary list this evening records the demise of Mary, wife of Edward Cunard, Baronet. The deceased lady was, if we remember aright, a daughter of Bache McIver, Esq., and eminent merchant and millionaire of New York City."


The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of the late Daniel Jackson Roberts, of Charlottetown, Merchant, deceased, by Letter Testamentary granted by the Surrogate, dated the 9th day of March, instant, hereby notifies all persons indebted to the said Estate to pay the respective debts to the subscriber, at his office, Queen Street, forthwith. Persons holding goods and effects belonging to the said Estate are requested to render accounts thereof, and to deliver up possession of the same to the Subscriber. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to furnish their accounts, duly attested, without delay.

J. S. Carvell, Administrator, Ch'town, March 12, 1866



Port of Charlottetown:


May 25 -

Schr. Evergreen, Johnston, Hawkesbury, limestone


Lucy, Laudrey, Chemogue, boards


Wave, Arbuckle, Pictou, coal


Brothers, Herbert, Pictou, do.


Fame, Gillis, Buctouche, deal and deal ends.

May 26 -

Western Packet, Power, Pugwash, juniper

May 28 -

Woodbine, Robertson, Pictou, coal


Flying Cloud, McIntyre, North Sydney, coal &c.


Hope, Robertson, Pictou, coal


Mary Ann, Deagle, Magdalene, herrings

May 30 -

Brigt. Alexina, Desjardin, Quebec, flour &c.


Schr. Bee, McKay, Bay de Verte, boards


Boat Sarah, Bourke, Shediac, Boards &c.


Brigt. Ariadne, Cole, Glasgow, mer.


May 25 -

Schr. Lucy, Laudrey, Chemogue, bal.


Fame, Gillis, Bay de Verte, bal.


Emerald, McDonald, Pictou, bal.

May 26 -

Western Packet, Power, Pugwash, bal.


Mary & Charles, Babin, Shediac, bal.

May 28 -

Woodbine, Robertson, Pictou, bal.


Str. Commerce, Paine, Halifax, General Cargo


Schr. Brothers, Herbert, Pictou, bal.

May 29 -

Ploughboy, Smith, Pictou, bal.


Wave, Arbuckle, Pictou, merchandize


Breeze, McLeod, Pictou, bal.


Elizabeth, Lamont, do., do.

May 30 -

Consort, Berwar, Pugwash, bal.


Bee, McKay, Bay de Verte, bal.


Boat Sarah, Bourke, Shediac, bal.


Brigt. Magdeline, Furniss, Liverpool, G. B., deals, timber, &c.


A brigantine from Quebec arrived here on Tuesday last, with 1300 barrels of flour, for D. Brennan and James Duncan & Co. [Alexina]

The Ariadne, Cole, from Glasgow, arrived here yesterday morning, after a pretty long passage, with a full cargo of goods for this port. The goods are being landed on first rate order.

The steamer Alhambra, of the Boston and Colonial line arrived here on her first trip to our port, this morning. She is a very large boat, but we have not had time to inspect her interior arrangements.

Mr. Brydges, Manager of the Grand Trunk Railway, Canada, arrived yesterday from Pictou, per Princess of Wales. The object of his visit, we understand, was to ascertain what encouragement would be given here to opening up direct communication between Canada and the Lower Provinces by a line of Steamers. He left again in the Heather Belle last night en route for Canada, on account of the Fenian invasion of that Province.

Shipping Advertisement:

For Liverpool - G.B. - The A-1 ship "L.C. Owen", Robert Fraser, Commander, will sail from Charlottetown for the above Port on Friday, the 18th instant, and returning, will leave for Charlottetown about the 14th June.

For Freight or Passage, apply in Liverpool to Messrs. William Stewart & Co., Trafford Chambers, South John Street, or in Charlottetown to the Subscribers.

William Welsh - W. C. Owen
Charlottetown, May 12 1866.

Archibald Kennedy, Sailmaker, Desires to return his thanks to his friends and customers, in town and country, for the patronage bestowed upon him during the last twenty years that he has been in business in this city, and begs to inform them that, in addition to his Sailmaking business, he will, on the arrival of the J. C. Owen from Liverpool, and the Ariadne from Glasgow, open a SHIP CHANDLERY AND HARDWARE STORE in the shop lately occupied by Mr. P. W. Hyndman, head of Queen's Wharf, where he intends to constantly keep on hand, Viz:-

Cordage, Canvas, Oakum, Pitch, Rosin, Tar, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c.
Anchors, Chains, Iron, Steel, Spikes, Nails, &c., &c., &c.

TO CHARTER, to LOAD DEALS in Richibucto and Buctouche, for Liverpool and Bristol Channel, at current rates. Apply to CARVELLE BROTHERS
Charlottetown, May 24, 1866


Is there anything being done to improve Queen's Square? It is neatly enclosed, but the cows, in sight of the Police Court, disport themselves, rooting and tearing up the trees planted last fall. These animals appear to have no respect to the by-laws of the Corporation. [Note: This Courthouse was located on the N. W. corner of Queen Square - information from Gary Carroll]


Stray Horse!

STRAYED from the Subscriber's on the afternoon of Thursday, 24th instant, a BLACK HORSE. Any person who will bring him back will be suitable rewarded.

S. W. Mitchell, Victoria Hotel, Charlottetown, May 25, 1866.



Public Lecture:

The Rev. D. F. Hutchinson, of Halifax, N.S. Editor of the Burning Bush, will deliver a lecture on the Orange Institution, in the Temperance Hall, in this city on Monday evening, June 4th, at 8 o'clock.

An entrance fee of one penny will be taken at the door to meet expenses of the Hall.

June 2, 1806.


Union Chapel, St. Peter's Road:

The above Chapel will be opened for Divine Worship, on Lord's Day, the 10th inst.

Services - Morning, 11; Afternoon, 2 1/2; Evening, 6 1/2.

Baptist and Presbyterian Ministers will unite for the above services. Collections will be taken.

June 2, 1866.


Lodge Meeting:

A meeting of the Strathalbyn District Lodge will he holden, in Calvin Lodge Room, on Thursday, the 7th of June, at the hour of 6 o'clock p.m. A punctual attendance is required.

Gretna Green, May 22nd, 1866.


Bazaar and Tea:

It is the intention (D.V.) of the Episcopalians of Cascumpec to hold a BAZAAR and TEA in aid of the NEW CHURCH at Alberton, about the middle of July next. The kind aid of friends in Charlottetown and elsewhere is ernestly solicited. The object is to finish the inside of the Church. Day and Date will be given in due time.

January 24, 1866.


There are a number of interesting advertisements in this issue. I will transcribe some of them as I get time.

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Last Updated: 01/11/2004 3:39:51 PM
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