Tracadie Cross Farmers' Association, 1891

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, April 13, 1891.

Tracadie Cross Farmers' Association

Pursuant to notice, a largely attended meeting of the inhabitants of Tracadie Cross and vicinity, assembled in Glenaladale schoolroom, on Saturday, 4th inst., for the purpose of organizing a farmers' club.

The meeting was called to order by appointing Mr. Angus McAulay chairman. After discussing the benefits to be derived from such a movement, the following officers were appointed:

President - Angus C. McAulay.
Vice-president - A. J. Dougan.
Recording secretary - Joseph A. McDonald.
Corresponding secretary - Augustine A. McDonald.
Treasurer - Patrick Hughes.
Managing Committee - Stephen McDonald, Patrick Smith, James Smith, Augustine D. McDonald, John D. McDonald, F. J. McDonald and Francis Hughes.

The club will be known as the "Tracadie Cross Farmers' Association," and will be open for the admittance of members until their next meeting, which will take place on the 29th of June at 6 o'clock.

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