Vernon River Concert, 1896

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Submitted by Christine Gorman


From the Daily Examiner, Feb 5, 1896.

Those in town and country who risked the bad roads and attended the concert in the Vernon River Chapel last night were not disappointed in the rich musical treat prepared by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Doyle. The pretty chapel was comfortably filled with an appreciative audience, estimated at about four hundred. Though a few of the vocalists suffered from slight colds, every number was well rendered and many were enthusiastically encored. The genial pastor in his vocal selection had to respond to a second call and sang "Father O'Flynn." The Charlottetown and St. Dunstan's

College contingent sustained their reputation, and Miss Eliza O'Neill of Notre Dame Convent, received a warm welcome. The selections by the choir showed careful training under a good leader.

Following was the programme:


"Goria" from Werner


Vocal Solo - "Beautiful Love"

Miss Katie McGrath.

Piano Solo - "Harp of Tara"

Miss Lucy Caven.

Quartette - "Where Art Thou, Beam of Light."

Misses O'Neill, and Messrs. O'Keefe and Green

Vocal Solo - "Bells of Shandon"

Mr. Jos. Haley.

"Credo" from Werner


Vocal Solo - "Faith and Hope"

Miss Clara McDonald.

Instrumental Trio

Messrs. O'Neill, Miller and Donnelly.

Chorus - "Moonlight on the Lake."


Vocal Solo - "Am I Remembered in Erin?"

Miss M. O'Neill.

Instrumental selection

College Students.

Vocal Solo - "In the Holy City."

Mr. George A. Dixon

Piano Solo

Mr. J. Gallant.


Vocal Solo - "Why Must We Say Good-bye?"

Miss E. O'Neill

"Sanctus" from Werner


Vocal Solo

Rev. A. J. McDougall

Violin Solo

Mr. Frank O'Neill

Vocal Duet - "Beautiful Moonlight"

Misses E. O'Neill and McGrath.

Vocal Solo - "The Dear Little Shamrock"

Rev. Dr. Doyle.

Cornet Solo

Mr. J. Gallant

Vocal Solo - "The Bridge"

Mr. J. A. O'Keefe.

Instrumental Selection

College Students.

Quartette - "Hark the Lark"

Misses McDonald and O'Neill and Messrs. O'Keefe and Green.

Vocal Solo

Mr. Charles Bell.

Chorus - "Calm Be Thy Slumbers."


God Save the Queen.

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