Firemen's Banquet, 1899

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, Charlottetown, February 8, 1899.



The spacious and splendidly appointed dining room of the Hotel Davies was well
filled last night on the occasion of the firemen's banquet, and an evening that was altogether delightful was passed. There were about 125 firemen and other gentlemen present, and the most ample justice was done to the choice bill of fare placed before the company by Mrs. Davies. Chief Engineer Large presided, having on his right His Worship Mayor Warburton and on his left, Mr. Henry Smith, Chairman of the Board of Sewer and Water Commissioners. Mr Charles Hermans, Assistant Chief, occupied the vice-chair.

After the menu had been thoroughly discussed, letters of regret at their inability to be present at the banquet were read from Judge Warburton, Stipendiary Magistrate Haszard, ex-Mayor Dawson, Councillor Crabbe, ex-Captain Wonacott and Mr. W. A. Brennan, of the Summerside Journal.

The toast list was then entered upon, songs and readings being interspersed. The programme was as follows:

The Queen – "God Save the Queen."
Our Guests – Henry Smith, F. H. Beer, D. McLean and L D. Thorpe.
Song – "the Death of Nelson," Charles Hermans.
The Provincial Parliament – Horace Haszard and D. O'M. Reddin.
Song – "The Rhine Wine," Professor Caven.
The City Corporation – Mayor Warburton.
Reading – "How Jackson got Ahead of the Minister," Mr. Hatfield.
The Chief of the fire Department – Chief Engineer Large.
Cornet solo – "The Old Oaken Bucket," M. M. Galbraith.
The Militia– Major Davison, Captain Watts and Lieut. Morris.
Song – "Paddy Leary," A. W. Reddin.
Retired Veterans – James McEachern and William Heartz.
Songs – "Down in Alabama" and "Docherty's Boarding House," William Murphy.
Pipe Music – Peter Ferguson.
Our contributors – M. P. Hogan.
Song – "The Englishman," F. H. Beer.
The Ladies – G. W. C. Oland and D. O'M. Reddin.
The Press – H. McInnis, of THE EXAMINER.
Songs – "Learning McFadden to Waltz" and "McCarthy at the Ball," George Hennessey.
The Host and Hostess – J. J. Davies.

This closed the regular programme after which several volunteer toasts were enthusiastically honored.

The health of the Charlottetown firemen was proposed, in a neat speech by G. W. C. Oland, of Halifax, and fitting replies were made by Chief Engineer Large and Assistant Chief Hermans. This toast was also spoken to by Messrs. P. S. Brown and Maurice Blake.

Chief Engineer Large proposed the health of Mr. D. O'M Reddin, and that gentleman responded.

The speeches, as a rule, were short and to the point, and many of them bubbled over with wit. Everyone spoke in terms of praise of the efficiency of the Charlottetown Fire Brigade, and their work in the past received many words of commendation. The songs and readings were all well rendered, and Mr Galbraith's cornet solo was a treat. The accompaniments during the evening were skilfully played by Professor Watts, Mr. Stanislaus Blanchard, and Mr. Hedley McKinnon.

The singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and "God Save the Queen" brought the festivities to a close about two o'clock, this morning, and the happy company separated all feeling that it was good to have been there.

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