1899 Queen Square School Honors List

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

The Daily Examiner, June 28, 1899. (Grade VII not included.)

Queen Square School

The Honors List - Names in all Grades in Order of Merit


Grade X

Governor-General's Bronze Medal for General Proficiency awarded to John Leightizer.

Certificate from School Board - John Leightizer and Isadore Doiron.

Grade IX

Certificates from the School Board - Horace Callaghan, Frank Hennessey, James Leightizer, Wm. King.

Reading - Fred Conroy, Fred McCourt, James Leightizer, Frank Hennessey.

Dictation - Horace Callaghan, Frank Hennessey, James Leightizer, Vernon Gillan.

Penmanship - William King, Horace Callaghan, Fred McCourt, Alfred Mahar.

Arithmetic - Jas. Leightizer, Frank Hennessey, H. Callaghan, F. McCourt.

Language - H. Callaghan, Jas. Leightizer, F. Hennessey, Wm. King.

Geography - H. Callaghan, J. Leightizer, F. Hennessey, Wm. King.

History - H. Callaghan, J. Leightizer, F. Hennessey, J. McDonald.

Geometry - J. Leightizer, H. Callaghan, H. Hermans, F. Hennessey.

Nature Studies - H. Hermans, Joseph McDonald, Alfred Mahar, Fred Conroy.

Drawing - W. King, F. Hennessey, H. Callaghan, Alfred Mahar.

Algebra - Jas. Leightizer, H. Callaghan, P. Gillis, F. Hennessey.

Latin - H. Callaghan, Wm. King, F. McCourt, F. Hennessey.

French - H. Callaghan, Wm. King, F. Hennessey, F. McCourt.

Composition - H. Callaghan, F. Hennessey, Jas. Leightizer, Fred Conroy.

Certificate for Vertical Writing -- Wm. King.

Certificates for Punctuality and Attendance - Walter Ogar.

Punctuality - H. Hermans, Wm. King, Frank Hennessey, John Coyle.

Attendance - Harry Hermans, Horace Callaghan, Vernie Gillan, Jos. McDonald.


Grade VIII

Certificates - James Payne., Philip Coyle, Peter Doyle, Leo Brawders, Jas. Eden, Jas. Doyle, Byrne McCourt, John Power.

Certificate for Vertical Writing - Emmet Callaghan.

Reading - Ray Bell, Jas. Payne, Byrne McCourt, and James Eden.

Dictation - Peter Doyle, James Doyle, Louis McRory, Jas. Payne, John Power.

English - Jas. Payne, Jas. Doyle, Jas. Eden, Leo Brawders.

Composition - Emmet Callaghan, Jas. Payne, Philip Coyle.

Penmanship - E. Callaghan, C. Blanchard, Jas. Doyle, Jas. Eden.

Drawing - Jas. Payne, Leo Brawders, John Dorsey.

Latin - James Payne, Leo Brawders, Peter Doyle.

French - James Doyle, Louis McRory, Peter Doyle.

History - James Eden, John Power, Corney Blanchard.

Geography - Leo Gillis, James Payne, James Eden.

Algebra - Leo Gillis, Philip Coyle, Byrne McCourt.

Nature Studies - Leo Brawders, Philip Coyle, Fred Foley, Wm. McDonald, John Dorsey.

Attendance - John Power, John Dorsey.

Deportment - H. Benoit, Jos. Mahar, John Power, Wm. McCarthy, Wm. McDonald, s. duffy, Leo Gillis, Leo Brawders.


Grade VI

Reading - F. Conroy, Geo. McDonald, E. McDonald.

Dictation - F. Conroy, F. Eden, G. McDonald.

Geography - G. McDonald, E. McDonald, J. McKinnon.

History - E. McDonald, G. McDonald, P. Murnaghan.

English - J. Corcoran, G. McDonald, F. Conroy.

Arithmetic - J. Kiggins, G. McDonald, P. Callaghan.

Penmanship - F. Conroy and G. McDonald, F. Eden, J. Corcoran.

Nature Studies - G. McDonald, A. Pidgeon, F. Conroy.

Composition - F. Conroy, F. Eden and J. McDonald, A. Campbell.

Drawing - O. Walsh, J. McDonald and J. McKinnon, A. Pidgeon, A. Campbell and J. Carragher.

Canadian History - E. McDonald, J. McDonald, F. Eden.

Deportment - James Kiggins, J (Mc)Kinnon.


Grade V

First Certificate for highest number of marks - Gregory Leahy, Charlie Merry.

Boys who made ninety percent of the two highest are Jack Jenkins, Cyril Ryan, Owen Trainor and Felix McSwain.

Arithmetic - Owen Trainor, Joseph Basha, James Hogan, 2. Jack Jenkins, Cyril Ryan, Gregory Leahy, Charlie Merry.

Reading - Jack Jenkins, Cyril Ryan, Gregory Leahy, Charlie Merry; 2. James McGonnell, Joseph Towan, Ernie Macdonald, John Smith, Willie Edmonds, Harry Murphy.

Dictation - Gregory Leahy, Joseph Doyle, Emmet Hamel, John Macdonald; 2. James McGonnell.

English - Jack Jenkins, Owen Trainor, Felix McSwain, Charlie Merry; 2. Joseph Reardon, Ernie Trainor, Frank McQuaid, Ernie Macdonald.

Geography - Owen Trainor, Jack Jenkins, Gregory Leahy, Charlie Merry, Joseph Basha; 2. George Leblanc, George McQuaid, Ernie Trainor, John Smith, Joseph Reardon.

Composition - 1. Gregory Leahy, Jack Jenkins, Charles Merry, Cyril Ryan, Felix McSwain, Peter Hughes; 2. James McGonnell, Ernie Trainor, John McDonald, Willie Edmonds.

History - 1. Owen Trainor, Gregory Leahy, Jack Jenkins, Ernie McDonald, Cyril Ryan, Joseph Towan; 2. Felix McSwain, Frank McQuaid.

Drawing - 1. Frank Hennessey, Willie McInnis, Felix McSwain, Willie Edmonds, Ernie McDonald, Ernie Trainor; 2. John Smith, Joseph Reardon, Joseph Towan.

Singing - Gregory Leahy, Charles Merry, Ernie Macdonald, Felix McSwain, John Smith, Harry Murphy; 2. James McGonnell, Ernie Trainor, Joseph Basha, Willie Edmonds, Emmet Hamil.

Frank McQuaid was never once absent or tardy during the whole year.

Boys who were never absent one day during the year, but were tardy two or three times - Andrew Butler, Emmet Hamil, Gregory Leahy, Ernie Macdonald.

Boys who have improved very much - Frank Hennessey, William Bowden, Andrew Butler, Patrick McCloskey.

Deportment - Frank McQuaid, Joseph Reardon, Joseph Doyle, Walter Hamil, James McGonnell, Harry Murphy, Willie Edmonds, Felix McSwain.

Assiduits - Frank McQuaid, Joseph Reardon, Owen Trainor, certificates for best vertical writing in the department.

Certificate for best vertical writing in his department - Jack Jenkins.


Grade IV

Certificate from School Board - Wilbert Potvin, Edwin Connolly, Patrick Duffy, John McKenna, Frank Mitchell.

Reading - Frank Mitchell, E. Connolly, John McKenna.

Dictation - Frank Mitchell, E. Connolly, John McKenna.

Geography - W. Potvin, P. Duffy, R. Fitzgerald.

English - E. Connolly, J, McKenna, P. Duffy.

Arithmetic - W. Potvin, E. Connolly, P. Duffy.

Penmanship - J. McKenna, E. Connolly, W. Potvin.

Punctuality and Attendance - Frank Mitchell and Fred Coyle, John McKenna.


Grade III

Trustees' Certificate for highest number of marks - Jos. McDonald, John Collins, Guy Scott.

Attendance - Cyrene Kelly, Jos. McDonald, Paul Bolger, John Collins, Jas. McAleer.

Deportment - Eugene Wynne, Guy Scott, Jos. Walsh, Lawrence Kelly, Owen Connolly, Edward Smith, Cyrene Kelly, Jas. McAleer, Peter Branders, Peter McAleer.

Reading - Guy Scott, Edward Smith, Jas. McAleer, Harry Gallant, Joe Welsh.

Dictation - Jos. McDonald, John Collins, Jas. McAleer.

Composition - Peter Branders, Joseph Walsh, Eugene Wynne.

Penmanship - Edward Smith, Joseph Welsh, Jos. Hennessey, John Collins, Joseph McDonald.


Grade II

Certificate from the School Board - Raymond McSwain, Joseph Bradley, Leonard Chaisson, John McGee, James Connors, Andrew McGee.

Certificate for Punctuality and Attendance - Raymond McSwain.

Reading - James Connors, Raymond McSwain, L. Chisson.

Dictation - J. Bradley, L. Chisson, Raymond McSwain.

Arithmetic - John McGee, Raymond McSwain, Frank Boudreau.

Penmanship - James Farry, Raymond McSwain, F. Boudreau.


Grade I

Trustees' Certificates for highest number of marks - Daniel Bowdin, Peter McKinnon, Louis McDonald, Chas. Doyle, Edward Griffith.

Certificates for Attendance - Harry Smith, Henry McGuirk, Michael McGuirk.

Reading - D. Bowdin, E. Griffith, H. Smith

Spelling - F. Hennessey, R. McNeill, R. Flannagan, H. McGuirk.

Drawing - I. Pollard, H. McGuirk, R. Benoit, E. McCarey, R. Flannigan.

Arithmetic - D. Bowdin, P. Clarkin, L. McDonald, P. McKinnon, C. Doyle.

Dictation - R. McNeill, F. Hennessey, E. McCarey, Wm. McMahon.

Deportment - I. Pollard, P. Clarkin, I. Hughes, E. Shephard, C. Doyle, I. McRay, F. McGonnell.


Grade I - Second Division.

Certificates from the School Board - Leo Griffith, Robert McDonald, William Trainor, Stephen Trainor, Alfred Kelly.

Reading - Leo Griffith, Robert McDonald, William Trainor, Stephen Trainor.

Dictation - Leo Griffith, Robert McDonald, Alfred Kelly.

Arithmetic - William Trainor, Euzebe Carroll, Robert McDonald, Leo Griffith.

Drawing - Leo Boudrau, William Trainor, Alfred Kelly, Stephen Trainor.

Penmanship - Stephen Trainor, Alfred Kelly, William Trainor.

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Last Updated: 02/18/2004 12:55:26 PM
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