Templars, 1899

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From The Daily Examiner, July 8, 1899.


The sixteenth annual session of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of
Good Templars was held at Murray River on the 5th and 6th last. The others
present were:
Grand Chief - Martin McKinnon.
Grand Counsellor - A. D. McLeod.
Grand Vice Counsellor - Miss Irene McLeod.
Grand Secretary - A. D. Fraser.
Grand Assistant Secretary - William McMillan.
Grand Superintendent of Juvenile Work - Miss A. E. Horton.
Grand Electoral Superintendent - W. H. Bears.

...a committee consisting of Rev. John Goldsmith, Alberton, L. U. Fowler, Bedeque, and Alexander Lockhart, St. Eleanors, was appointed to make the arraignments for the Summerside meeting.

The following officers were elected and installed for the ensuing year.
G. C. T. - S. M. Martin, Heatherdale.
G. Com. - Albert Gay, Pownal.
G. Vice - Miss B. Matheson, Dundas.
G. Sec. - A. D. Fraser, Vernon River.
G. Treas. - W. McMillan, Montague.
G. Supt. - Miss A. E. Horton, Murray Harbor.
G. E. Supt. - L. U. Fowler, Bedeque.
C. Chap. - Rev. H. Carter, Murray River.
G. M. - R. Squarebriggs, Souris.
G. G. - M. Connors, Sturgeon.
G. S. - Neil S. Ross, Bridgetown.
G. D. M. - Miss Carver, Pownal.
G. A. Sec. - A. D. McDonald, Murray Harbor.
G. Mess. - W. Acorn, Pownal.
D. R. W. G. T. - G. W. Irving, Vernon River Bridge.
P. G. C. T. - Martin McKinnon, Brooklyn.

W. H. Bears was elected a delegate to the Dominion Alliance.
Addresses were delivered by the different officers of the Grand Lodge.
Evangelists: Miss Richards, Rev. Ewen Gillis, Fred B. McRae, Rev. A. D. McLeod, H. A. Bears, D. A. Horton, Albert P. Prowsd (Prowse?) D. A. Dingwell, and G. A. Clay.

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