1901 Stanley Officers

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, December 9, 1901.

List of Officers and Men for the Coming Winter.

The following is the official list of officers and crew of the steamer Stanley during the coming winter:

Angus Brown, Charlottetown, Master.
George McLeod, French River, Chief Officer.
Alexander McLeod, Orwell, Second Officer.
D. D. Ryan, City, Purser.
J. J. Offer, City, Steward.
Henry Podvin, City, Asst Steward.
Morris Donovan, Georgetown, Asst Steward.
Philip McKee, Lower Montague, Cook.
Joseph Victor, Georgetown, pantry boy.
John McMillan, City, Chief Engineer.
William Bishop, Pictou, Second Engineer.
J. J. Davies, City, Third Engineer.
John McPhee, Gaspereaux, carpenter.
Dougald McIsaac, City, Deckhand.
Mungo Ferguson, Wood Island, do.
John R. Mcmillan, Wood Islands, do.
Joseph G. D. McKinnon, Morell, do.
David O=Brien, Souris, do.
Fred Cheverie, Souris East, do.
Maxwell Jenkins, Seal River, do.
Alex McLeod, Cardigan, do.
Michael Jarvis, Grand Tracadie, do.
Wm. Boats, De Sable, do.
E. Clark, City, oiler.
L. Martin, Wood Islands, do.
Joseph Arbing, City, do.
Wm McNeill, city, fireman.
Frank McEachern, Georgetown, -----.
Andrew Duncan, City, fireman.
John Dalziel, City, fireman.
Arthur Bridges, City, coal trimmer.
Sydney Llewlyn, City, coal trimmer.
John Redmond, City, coal trimmer.
Peter Trainors, store keeper.

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