Tea Sale, 1901

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

Tea and Fancy Sale at St. James Presbyterian Church

Daily Examiner, April 11, 1901.

The Tea and Fancy Sale in St. James' Hall was opened this afternoon at two o'clock, and will be continued tonight. The ladies managing the affair have made extensive preparations and expect a large patronage. The tables are all well-stocked, and the prices are reasonable.

Following are the ladies in charge of the various tables:

Tea Tables (1) Mrs. Murry (?), Mrs. Gillan.
(2) Mrs. W. Robertson, Mrs. J. Jamieson.
(3) Mrs. Ewen Stewart, Mrs. T. C. James.

Refreshment Table: Mrs. T. A. McLean, Mrs. McKinnon.
Ice Cream Table: Pearl Stewart, Margaret Martin, Ethel Lorraine.
Candy Table: Annie Cameron, Pearly Taylor, Jean Stewart.
Fancy Tables (1) Miss McGill, Mrs. McNeill,
(2) Mrs. H. Stitson, Mrs. James Stewart.
Willing Workers Table: Mrs. Ewen Cameron, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Sadie Taylor.
Flower Table: Miss Mary Bartlett, Miss Ethel McLean, Mrs. Tait.

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