Meetings at Hamilton, 1903

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, March 10, 1903.

Meetings at Hamilton on Tuesday the 23rd inst.

A large and representative meeting of the farmers of Lots 18 and 19 was held in the Hamilton Hall on Tuesday the 23rd inst. The afternoon session commenced at 2 p.m., with Mr. Robert Agnew, president of the Institute, in the chair. The principal business was as to advisability of the club importing their own seed. On motion it was decided to instruct the secretary, Mr. H. T. McDonald, to communicate with leading seedsmen in Ontario and solicit samples and prices of first class seeds. As soon as possible after the samples arrive a general meeting of the Institute will be held in Kensington for the purpose of taking orders should the farmers decide to order direct.
The matter of ordering binder twine also came up for considerable discussion and was laid over for another meeting. The next meeting of the Institute will be held in Spring Valley some time in March, of which due notice will be given. The meeting in Spring Valley will likely be addressed by Prof. McMillan of Charlottetown.
In the evening a public meeting and entertainment was held and the large hall was packed to the doors with a large and appreciative crowd. The following programme was rendered in grand style.
Opening remarks by chairman, R. Agnew.
Instrumental music, violin and organ, Roderick S. McLellan and Janie B. McDonald
Address, Mr. Albert Simpson.
Vocal solo, Miss Laura McLellan.
Instrumental music, violin and harmonica, R. S. McLellan and John McInnis.
Vocal solo, Miss Maggie F. McLellan.
Reading, Charles E. McDonald.
Address, R. Crozier.
Vocal solo, Miss Gertie Gillis.
The accompanists were Misses Bernadette Gillis and Janie B. McDonald. All the numbers on the programme were warmly applauded and encored.
A vote of thanks was tendered the performers for the excellent programme at such short notice. The meeting closed by singing God Save the King.

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