Fort Augustus Social, 1904

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, March 18, 1904


The concert and social held at Webster Corner Hall on Tuesday evening the 15th inst., was in every respect a grand success. The hall was literally packed with bright eager faces who came from all parts to enjoy a rare feast of music, songs, dialogues, recitations, and addresses. The music was crisp and bright, and we have rarely, if ever, heard the songs of Old Ireland sung with more verve and sweetness. As all acquitted themselves with marked distinction, and were deservedly rewarded by the generous applause of the audience, we prefer not to particularize. The handsome sum of $125.00 was realized.


Opening Address - Rev. A. J. McDonald, who also presided.

Organ Selection - Miss Katie Trainor, Donagh.

Chorus - Fort Augustus Choir.

Song - "Dinnie Grady's Hack", Charles McDonald, Mt. Stewart. Encore: "Give an Honest Irish Lad a Chance".

Reading - John J. McCarthy, (encored.)

Solo - "Last Rose of Summer", Miss Julia Trainor.

Recitation - Mr. Joseph Lynch.

Song - "Moore's Farewell", Dr. McDonald, Mt. Stewart; encore: "Where is Kathleen".)

Duet and chorus - Messrs. Art McQuaid and Thomas Began, and members of the choir.

Reading - Dan Stewart (encored.)

Comic Song - Charles McDonald, Mt. Stewart.

Song - David McDonald.

Duet - Misses Julia and Katie Trainor of Donagh.

Song - Rev. A. J. McDonald, (encored.)

Negro dialogue - "Old Joe's Return", Messrs. Art McQuaid and Thomas Began.

Chorus - "There Goes McManus with the Dust upon his Coat."

Closing Address - Hon. J . H. Cumiskey.

The baskets were auctioned by Messrs. John McCarthy, Thos. McNally and Art Quaid.

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