St. Patrick's Day in Emerald, 1912

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Submitted by Christine Gorman


From the Daily Examiner, March 22, 1912.

The entertainment held in Emerald Hall on Monday evening last, 17th inst.,under the auspices of the Benevolent Irish Society, proved to be one of the best held in that place for years past.
The hall was filled and good order prevailed throughout. P. L Cash, president of the society, presided, and made a few appropriate remarks before opening the programme, the principal feature of which was a comedy drama, in three acts by the Emerald Dramatic Club, entitled "The Snowball." The characters were taken as follows: Mr Gerald McCarthy as Felix Featherstone; Miss Margaret Deighan as Mrs. Featherstone (his wife;) Miss Katie Hughes as Ethel Granger (sister to Mrs Featherstone and ward to Felix;) Joseph McDonald as Henry Pendergast (suitor to Ethel;) Mrs. (Mr.?) George P. Trainor as John Thornecroft, (uncle to Felix;) Linus McDonald as Saunders, the butler; Miss Amy Hughes as Penelope, maid to Mrs. Featherstone.
The different parts taken were so well executed it would be invidious to particularize and each and every member were congratulated by the large audience on the successful manner in which they carried out the different parts.
The vocal solos of Miss Tillie Gorman and of Mr Frankie Flood were well received and the good people of Kelly's Cross should congratulate themselves on having such vocal talent in their midst. The declamations of Miss Ella McMahon of Kensington were of a high order, and ranked with the best ever given in Emerald.

The entertainment throughout was a great success, and reflected credit on the management and all concerned. It is understood that the Emerald Dramatic Club will present the drama, "The Snowball," in Kensington and Tignish.

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