Shareholders of the Victoria Silver Black Fox Co., Ltd., 1922.

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Submitted by Dennis Taylor - [email protected]

Shareholders of the Victoria Silver Black Fox Co., Ltd., 1922.

The following document is transcribed from the original, in the possession of the descendants of G. H. Taylor and his son, R. G. Taylor, some of the original shareholders in the Victoria Silver Black Fox Co., Ltd. in 1922.

November, 27nd, 1922.

We shareholders in the Victoria Silver Black Fox Co, Ltd. have turned our Certificates into the treasurer of the Victoria Silver Black Fox Co Ltd, and in return have taken out four foxes, two males and two females, making a total of one hundred and twelve shares.

Shareholders are as following.


No of shares


No of shares

A R Clark


W H P Irving


John Mc Farlane


A E Clark


A A McDonald


D H Mosher


H M Davinson


Fred H Trainor


Mrs Annie Trainor


G H Taylor


R G Taylor


Mrs Katherine Hendersen


Mrs P C Auld




And shall be known as the Willowbrook Fox Farm, now on the premises of Mr. Ephraim Bell at Cape Traverse, P.E.I.

The conditions for the first years ranching ending November 5rd, 1923. are. Mr. Bell is placing three pair of his own pups equal quality, registered stock with the companies two pair placed in his ranch on November 27nd 1922. the offspring of the five pairs are to be pooled . and on November 1923. the Company take there percentage of the offspring.

The charges which goes to Mr Bell for ranching each pair of the companies foxes for one year is $75.00 and a additional charge of $10.00 for each pup allotted to the Company.


Rancher, Ephraim Bell (signature)

President W.H.P.Irving (signature)

Sect. Treasurer. A.R.Clark (signature)

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics© 2003

Last Updated: 07/06/2003 6:43:27 AM
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