How to Create and Configure your Report to put it on "The Island Register" (for Brothers Keeper for DOS, version 52b) - Enter the program. - Find the first individual you wish to show. Note their name or BK number. - Go to the R (Register Report) option and determine how many generations you can go before you get to the 1890's or so. What we are trying to find is how many generations we can go before we get into a generation where there might still be living individuals. On the Internet we try to avoid showing living individuals, as release of their information on as public a forum as the Internet could be upsetting to some people! [See Note 2] - Once you have found this, return to the main screen, press F9 2 times till you see save to disk with tabs or RTF. - Now go back to R (Register Report), press return. - If using the 18 Nov 1995 version, you will come to a list of RTF options. Select #6, Rich Text Format for Ami Pro 3.0 and 3.1. [Reason for using #6 is that this seems to be the most stable export option for RTF, and a file written with this may be opened with no problems in any program I have tried yet...] Once done, the program will advance to the next step. - BK5 will ask you for a filename to save to. I suggest name.rtf. the name if too long will have to be shortened to 7 characters or less. - Now enter the name or number of the starting individual. - After you enter and select the starting name, you will come to the following screen: (enter the number of generations to save in (Print how many generations): Print how many generations? 2-40 05 *see note 1 Abbreviate to b. and d. or use Whole Words born or died N Include which message lines? N Print spouse's messages? N Print code numbers? N Show Baptised: date and Location? Y - Use what word or abbreviation for Baptised? Baptised: Show Interred: date of location? Y - Use what word or abbreviation for Interred? Interred: Show Notes: date and location? Y - Use what word or abbreviation for Notes? Note: Show Ref:? Y - Use what word or abgreviation for Ref:? Reference: Show Occupation:? Y - Use what word or abbreviation for Occupation: Occupation: (Married) Show Other: date and location? Y - Use what word or abbreviation for Other: Other: Show Divorced/Annulled/Separated: Y Print Sources as footnotes? N *see note 2 - At this point, press F5 to save this part of the setup, then press F10 to continue! Note 1: Set to number of generations from person 1 to the generation before those living begin to appear! Note 2: While we should always inlude sources in our files, if included in the on line files, they make the file too long. Anyone contacting you for further generations may get a copy of the file from you containing all source information including later generations as well. In fact, this will serve as an enticement for your long lost cousins to contact and update you! :-) - You will then come to this page: PRINT descendants of: Regular size printing or Compressed or Unchanged R *see note 3 Extra spaces for left margin:? 0 How many blank lines for top margin? 1 Number of characters per line? 66 Number of lines per page? 9000 Do you want page numbers? (and an index) N Call the first page, page number 1 - Again, press F5 to save settings. Then continue: Show Lineage from each descendant back to person 1? N (Not in earlier versions of BK5) Children's names: First, Whole, or First and Initial: W 1=label generations 2=print "next" etc. 1 Bold print names? Y/N/3/4 Y *see note 2 If multiple spouses, do you want to show etc. Y - Again, press F5 to save settings. Use the Register System, etc. R - You will then be offered a chance to type in a line of text, simply type return! - The file will be saved in RTF to the filename entered above with no control characters! Zip it, then attach it to an email addressed to I will take it from there, putting it on the "Island Register" Family Ties Page referenced to your Email address. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to participate. I hope you will make many fine contacts as a result of this listing! Please update us every few months!