Letters from P.E.I. - Unknown to Mr. Samuel Mowets, Wortwell Near Thurleston, Norfolk, England, 25 July 1836

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From the collection of Ivan W. MacKenzie, [email protected], Transcribed by Dave Hunter. Many letter writers were barely literate, and often the literate person was the lady of the house. This was a result of the men leaving school at a very early age to work on the farm - the ladies had the luxury of being able to continue their education further....

Unknown to Mr. Samuel Mowets, Wortwell Near Thurleston, Norfolk, England, 25 July 1836

Dear Father and mother, we was down to town and we saw gorge ester and he said he saw bet mitchell and she was in great distress for she would not make her self knowing to them until they ask her name and at last she told them. george ester is getin on very well. Dear mother and cussin I hope you will send us all the news you can and write as soon as you possible can. Dear father and mother this is our stock 1 cow, 1 ox, 1 horse, and 1 sow and 4 pigs but as I to told you in the last letter that the most of our cattle died last winter, 12 months for want of hay and straw. Dear father and mother we want to know wether you got the last letter for if you did I am surprised you didn't answer it. Please to send us the particulars of my brothers in London but I suppose you have nothing to say about them as they have no time to write. Please to give my husbands love to his brothers and sisters and tell them that he is quite intended for them to stay at home for he say they will never cacth him at that place any more. Dear father and mother and cussin I can say no more jest now but for there is no news going now so I conclude by sayen may the blesing of god rest among you and remain with always.

No signature

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Presented by: Dave Hunter & The Island Register.

Last Updated: 04/19/2000 7:31:19 AM
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