1798 St. John's Island Heads of Household Census

Lot # 33

1798 Heads of Household Census - Lot 33.
Head of Household -16 Males
60+ -16 Females
60+ Total
Neil McPhee -- 2 1 -- -- 1 4
Allan McDonald 2 1 -- 2 1 -- 6
Angus McLeur 4 1 -- 2 1 -- 8
Don. McKinnin 2 1 -- 2 1 -- 6
Dun. McCullum 2 1 -- 4 1 -- 8
James Griggor -- 1 -- -- 1 -- 2
Peter Greggor 2 1 1 1 2 1 8
Hugh Campbell 2 1 -- 2 1 -- 6
Don McFarlane 3 1 1 2 1 -- 8
Sam. Hyde -- -- 1 -- -- -- 1
Robert Urquhart -- 1 -- 2 1 -- 4
John McCullum 3 1 -- 1 1 -- 6

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: Source Code and Graphics© 1997

All rights Reserved

Last Updated(Pr): 9/1/97 5:05:02 PM

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