Passengers Arriving from Other Ports in the Maritimes

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The Royal Gazette of the 1830's has a number of passenger lists for passengers arriving aboard either the "Pocahontas", or via the "Steam Packet", and on other coastal vessels. The Daily Examiner and other P.E.I. newspapers also continued to print passenger arrivals from other Maritime ports throughout the century. As the passengers on these came from other ports in the maritimes, they will be listed here together. Many of the people appearing in these lists would be people who arrived on other vessels which landed in Nova Scotia, and who were destined for the Island. Some were Island residents returning from business and visits, government officials, Lot owners, Royal military personnel, etc. Most of these are from newspaper references looked up by Christine Gorman, with a number also provided by Gary Carroll. A few have been found in Supreme Court and other documents.

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics© 2004
Last Updated: 2/28/2005 5:59:21 PM
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