Petition of A. Birnie regarding the Vessel Princess Of Wales

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Submitted by Gary Carroll - [email protected]

PAC Microfilm M3717 Duckworth Papers Series C #1681

To His Excellency Sir John Thomas Duckworth Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Vice Admiral of the Blue, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Island of Newfoundland and Islands adjacent and Coast of Labrador from the River St John to Hudsons Heights

The Memorial of Alexr. Birnie of London Merchant

Respectfully sheweth,

That your Memorialist having a Mercantile Establishment at Prince Edward Island, did on or about the beginning of September last despatch one of his Ships named the Princefs of Wales with a Valuable Cargo for Charlotte Town in the said Island

That on the twenty third day of October the said Ship was, either thro� the Barratry of the Master or by Strefs of weather put into the Harbor of Burin where she has remained all the winter the greatest part of the Crew having returned to Europe

That as soon as the Season permitted your Memorialists Son and Agent at Prince Edward Island went to Burin, taking with him a person in the capacity of Master, the former Master having been accused of embezzling the Cargo and Ships Stores, expecting to procure Seamen either there or at St. John�s to enable him to navigate the said ship to Charlotte Town but in this he was completely disappointed, and also lost the only two remaining apprentices belonging to the Ship; Captain Senhouse of His Majesty�s Ship R ? having carried them off leaving the Ship with the Master alone and not a single Individual to afsist in Saving and protecting the property.

That the views and expectations of your Memorialists said Agent having been thus frustrated , he has been compelled to return to Prince Edward Island where he has with greatest difficulty procured Individuals from different Settlements in the said Island whose names your Excellencys Memorialist begs leave to annex hereunto and Confiding in your Excellencys well known disposition to protect, encourage and promote the lawful Commerce of His Majestys Subjects.

Most Humbly Solicits

Your Excellency will be pleased to offer your protection to Mr. John Moore the Master and the Crew as contained in the paper writing hereunto annexed, while they may remain at Newfoundland and also that they may be permitted to navigate the said Ship from Burin to Charlotte Town without Molestation.

And your memorialist &c &c &c

Charlotte Town
Prince Edward Island
August 1. 1811

A Birnie by
Geo. Birnie his

(Written outside the paper - "Memorial Princefs of Wales Protection granted for twelve of her men").

Note: Alexander Birnie was a merchant of Prince Edward Island. The Vessel was returned to P.E.I. under the granted protection the week of October 26, 1811. Weekly Recorder 26 Oct., 1811.: "Ship "Princess of Wales" arrives PEI".

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Last Updated: 11/29/2001 2:51:57 AM
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