Beef Cattle Stock Breeders' Assn Formed, 1908

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

STOCK BREEDERS ASSOCIATION of Prince Edward Island Formed Yesterday

From the Wednesday Afternoon Edition of the Daily Examiner, April 8, 1908.

A Stock Breeders Association for P. E. Island has been formed. At a meeting held yesterday in the City Court room, Mr Peter Brodie presided and explained the object of the meeting. The project of forming an Association was heartily endorsed by P. S. Brown, City, Mr. Vessey, York, Mr. Robert McKinley, T. P. Cass, Vernon River, James Roper, William Gibson, and others.

Mr. P. S. Brown moved, seconded by Mr. James Roper, that the meeting form the association and the vote was carried unanimously.

Officers were elected as follows:

President - P. S. Brown.

Vice Pres. - Peter Brodie.

Second Vice Pres. - Wm. Gibson.

Secretary - C. T. Ferguson.

The following executive was then appointed:--

Robert McKinley.

Lane Boswell.

James Roper.

F. Halliday.

T. C. Cass.

Leonard Court.

William Crosby.

Premier Haszard was elected Honorary President.

Messrs. Brodie, Gibson and McKinley were appointed to a committee to present to the Legislature a resolution passed at the meeting asking that $3,000 more be granted for exhibition purposes this year.

The meeting then adjourned to meet at the Revere Hotel at 2 pm on the 14th inst.

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Last Updated: 9/15/2004 9:47:46 AM
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