The Last Will and Testament of William Large (-1861, Little York)
Liber 6 Folio 150
Filed Sept 25, 1861
This is the Last Will And Testament of Mr. William Large of Little York Lot or Township No. Thirty four in Prince Edward Island. Farmer in manner and form following that is today, (being weak in body but of sound mind, memory and understanding) I Give, Devise, and Bequeath unto my son William Large Junior, his Executors Administrators and assigns, all my right title and Interest in and to two several Tracts pieces or parcels of land now held by me of One hundred Acres of land and Ten Acres from Sir James Montgomery Bar and Brothers on Lot or Township No. Thirty Four for all the residue of my unexpired term or terms thereon, subject to the payment of the rents thereby reserved and to the performance of the covenants therein contained which on the Tenants or lessees part are to be paid observed and performed Subject also to the due and proper maintenance, provision, and Support of my dear Wife Margaret Large during the term of her natural life, with the understanding that should my said dear Wife at any time be minded to change her place of residence from under the old roof, and to remove to any other place of residence in such case my said son is hereby bound and obligated to secure and provide for his mother such confirmed provision maintenance and support as she shall require without any deduction therefrom during her natural life. The devise to my Said Son to comprise and include the farm stock implements of husbandry and all other effects and chattels or personal property I may die possessed of- both of the said devises to my said son I further make subject also to the payment of the following sums as legacies to my daughters, namely, to my dear daughter Mary Ann and my daughter Rebecca each the sum of Forty pounds which said legacies are to be paid by my said son as follows, one half of the said respective sums to my said Daughters in three years from my decease and the other half thereof in five years from my said decease. I also further charge my said son with the payment of the sum of Fifteen Pounds to my G. Daughter Elizabeth Mabon in such articles of farm stock, furniture, or merchandise as she shall or may most need and require such payment to my said G. Daughter to be contingent and depend on her continuing with my said son the service she has commenced with me or until she shall attain the age of Twenty one years or meet with an eligible opportunity of becoming settled in life. I further charge my said son with the due execution of an Agreement entered into by me with my sister Mrs. Mary Bell by which I am bound to provide for her maintenance and support during her natural life, and it is my further Will and desire that on the receipt of the respective sums or amounts of the several Promissory notes which have been assigned to me by Mrs. Bell and the Interest thereon by my said son that the principal of the said promissory notes as it is received or paid in be placed at Interest until the death of Mrs. Bell, the Interest whereof to go towards meeting the support of Mrs. Bell, and at her decease such amount of the said several and respective promissory notes as shall have been then or may subsequently be recovered, be divisible as follows, viz, Forty six pounds part thereof to be paid to my daughter Mary Ann Large, and the sum of Forty five Pounds to my Daughter Rebecca, and to my Granddaughter Elizabeth Mabon the sum of Ten Pounds and the residue thereof to my said son William Large And I nominate & appoint my said son William Large Jun to be Executor of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set and affixed my hand and seal the twenty sixth day of August AD 1861.
William X Large
mark <T.S. >Signed sealed published & declared by the Said William Large as his last Will & Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in that of Each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses, (being first read over and & explained to the Testators and the several interlineations being previously made.)
T. Stewart
F. Large
Sarah MabonThe foregoing Will having been presented for Probate Theophilus Stewart of Charlottetown Esquire one of the subscribing witnesses thereto made oath that he was present and did see the testator William Large subscribe his name by placing his mark and affix his seal thereto and heard him publish and declare the same as and for his last will and testament, that when testator so did he was of sound disposing mind and memory to this deponent's best discerning that he subscribed his name as witness thereto in the presence of testator and that F. Large and Sarah Mabon subscribed their names as witnesses thereto at the same time.
Sworn to at Chambers
this 25th day of September
A.D. 1861. Before me
Charles Young
Judge of ProbateT. Stewart