1823 New Market House, Charlotte-town, PEI

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

1823 New Market House, Charlotte-town, PEI

From the Prince Edward Island Register, November 8, 1823.

The new Market House was opened on Saturday last - the appearance of which, and ample accommodation it afforded to its numerous visitors, was highly gratifying, and we have only to regret that a more general notice of the day appointed for opening had not been given, as many people in the country were disappointed.

Premiums in pursuance of the order of his Excellency in Council, were allotted in the undermentioned persons, by the Judges appointed (Messrs. Longworth, Gardiner and Goff,) for the best articles produced, viz.

To Mr. Henry Charlton, for the best carcass of Ox Beef, wt: 658 lb.


To Mr. James Coles, do. do. of Cow Beef, wt. 394 lb.


To Mr. Ralph Thompson do do of Pork, wt. 340 lb.


To Mr. James Collings do do of Mutton, wt. 77 1/2 lb.


To Mr. John McDonald, West River, for the best sample of Spring Wheat, this year's growth, (3 bushels) wt. ??lb. per bushel


To Mr. -------Fawcett, Stanhope, for the best sample of Oats this year's growth (3 bushels) wt. 41 1/2 lb per bushel


To Mr. Wm. Pepperall, for the best sample of Barley, this year's growth (3 bushels) 50 lb. per bushel.


To Mr. John Jeffs, best sample of Horse Beans, this year's growth,


To Mr. John Legyt, best sample of Field Peas, this year's growth


The shew of beef was not as prime as might be expected on such an occasion - but it was far from inferior.

Both Mutton and Pork shewn were of very superior quality - a remarkable fat sheep was exhibited by Mr. Samuel Collings but of a smaller size than of the one to which the prize was adjudged.

The Judges considered themselves confined to the growth of this year for grains, beans, etc., and therefore rejected samples which they were not satisfied were so.

The scene produced a very lively and satisfactory interest with the numerous assemblage of persons present, and we have no doubt, will tend to increase the desire for improvement in those valuable branches, which is already so apparent in the Colony.

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics© 2003

Last Updated: 03/19/2003 9:03:56 AM
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