Teachers Licensed in October 1841

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

Teachers Licensed in October 1841

From the May 15, 1909 Daily Examiner, Charlottetown, PEI

A correspondent of The Farmer refers to the death of W. Alexander McLean at a venerable age, and says, "Just fifty years ago, the writer attended his school in Baltic, Lot 18, in Prince County, and he then had been a teacher for seventeen years. Along with twenty others, Mr. McLean was licensed in October, 1841, and so far as the writer can learn, they have all passed on the stage except John McDonald. Here follow the names as they are found on the list:

Alex. Brown was then Secretary of the Board of Education. It will be noticed that ladies had not then taken up the teaching profession."

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics© 2001

Last Updated: 08/13/2001 9:09:24 AM
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