1844 Militia Order

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

Royal Gazette, May 14, 1844.


Head Quarters, Charlottetown, May 6th, 1844.
His Excellency, the Commander in Chief is pleased to
order that the following promotions and appointments do take place:--

2d Queen's County Militia - Patrick Hughes, gent., to be Lieutenant, vice John Gillis, superseded. Artemas Moore, gent., to be Ensign.
4th Queen's County Militia - John William Robinson, gent., to be Ensign.
1st Prince County Militia - Lt. N. Ramsay, to be Captain, vice Hunt, left the District. Ensign Robert Stewart; Robert Macnutt; Henry Stewart Macnutt, William Wallace and James Beairsto, gents., to be Lieutenants.
To be ensigns - John Murray Maxwell Macnutt, gent., John M'Gougan, gent., Alexander Stewart, jun., gent., Richard Morson, gent., James Stewart, gent., and Donald Maclellan, gent.
3rd Prince County Militia - Lieut. Bagnall, Captain; John Dougherty, gent., Lieutenant, West Point Company; Benjamin Pollard, Captain; William Gould, gent., and Frederick Lane, gent., Lieutenants; James Pollard, gent., Ensign.
3rd King's County Militia - Captain William Macgowan, to be Major Commander of the Souris Companies. Lieut. Daniel Stewart, to be Captain of the West River Company.

By Command,
A. LANE, Lt. Col. & Adj. Gen.
(Exd. T. H. Haviland)

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