Appointments, 1848

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From The Daily Examiner, December 18, 1848.


Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint, by Mandamus, under the Royal Sign Manual, the Hon. J. M. Holl and Edward Palmer, Esq., to seats in the Executive Council; and George Birnie, Esq., to a seat in the Legislative Council of the Island.

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to appoint the Honorables T. H. Haviland and Charles Young, Trustees and Governors of the central Academy.

His Excellency has been also pleased to make the following appointments in Council:

Mr. Henry Haszard, to be Fire Warden for District No. 2, and Messrs. John Thomas and Edward L. Lydiard, Fire wardens for District No. 3, in Charlottetown, under the Act 7 Vic cap 6.
David Kaye, Esq., to be Health Officer for the Harbour of Three Rivers.
Joseph Bell, Esq., to be Health Officer for Bedeque.
E. Ashby Vaughan, to be Health Officer for Richmond Bay.
J. P. Sherlock, to be Health Officer for Cascumpec.
Alfred Holloway, to be Health Officer for New London, Cavendish, and Rustico.
James M'Callum, Esq., of Brackley Point, to be a Member of the Board of Health for Rustico.
Alexander Maggieson and James Forsyth, to be Members of the Board of Health for the District of Cascumpec.
Patrick Phee, to be Preventive Officer at Tignish and Nail Pond.

William Graham, to be Wharfinger of the Wharf at Graham's Shore, New London.

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