Kildare Teachers' Institute, 1857

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

Kildare 1857...

From The Examiner, December 14, 1857.

THE KILDARE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. - A meeting of the above Institute being held at the Kildare River School-house, on Saturday, the 28th of November, it was unanimously resolvedthat R. Hockin take the chair, and J. G. Murphy act as Sec'y.

Resolved, That A. McEachern read the Constitution, which he was previously requested to draw out. This was accordingly done, and is as follows: -

ARTICLE 1. This Society shall be called the "Kildare Teachers' Institute."

2. It shall be the object of this Society to awaken the interest and enlist the sympathy of the community , in all matters connected with the proper education of the young, and to appoint committees of two or more Teachers, whose duty it shall be to visit each others' schools for the double purpose of seeing the methods of instruction pursued, and reporting the same to the Institute for the mutual benefit of all its members.

3. The committees to visit the different schools shall be appointed once in each quarter.

4. The officers of this society shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and Treasurer, and a committee of five, as managers or directors, who shall be appointed half-yearly, and shall retain their places until others are elected.

5. The Secretary shall present, at the quarterly meetings, a report of the conditions and doings of the Institute.

6. The quarterly and monthly meetings shall be held, by appointment from the last meeting, on such convenient locality as may be deemed most expedient.

7. This constitution may be altered by a majority of the members present at any regular meeting, notice of the proposed alteration having been given at a previous meeting.

Resolved, that the foregoing be adopted as the Constitution of this Society.

Resolved, that the following be office-bearers of this society,

viz :B A. McEachern, President; R. Hockin, Vice President; C. Daly, Secretary and Treasurer; and Messrs. M. Ryan, N. Woodside, P. Connick, J. G. Murphy and ---------Committee.(?)

The following committees were then appointed to visit the different school; C. Daly and M. Ryan to visit Nail Pond and Tignish Schools, on Saturday, the 5th of December; R. Hockin and J. G. Murphy, Kildare Capes and Kildare Cross Schools, on Saturday, the 12th December; A. McEachern and N. Woodside, Kildare River School, on Saturday, the 19th December; R. Hockin and P. Connick, South Kildare and Union Schools, on Saturday the 26th December; A. McEachern and N. Woodside, Campbeltown School, on Saturday the 2nd January.

Resolved, that the next meeting be held at Kildare Cross School-house, on Saturday, 9th January at 2 o'clock, p.m.

Resolved, That the minutes of this meeting be sent for publication.

J.G. MURPHY, Secretary.

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