Mrs. John McDonald's 100th Birthday, 1890

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, June 18, 1890.

A Centenarian Celebration


The relatives and friends of Mrs. John [McIntyre] McDonald, celebrated that lady's one hundredth birthday in a becoming manner at her residence, Goose River, yesterday. The weather was beautiful. About one hundred and fifty persons were present, the greater number of whom were Mrs. McDonald's relatives. Charlottetown, Souris, Tignish and other portions of the province were well represented at the gathering. Among the clergymen present were his Lordship Bishop McIntyre (Mrs. McDonald's brother); Mgr. Gillis, East Point, and Revs. D. J. G. McDonald, St. Margaret's; J. C. McDonald, St. Dunstan's College, Roderick McDonald, Pictou; D. F. McDonald, Souris; A. J. McIntyre, Tracadie; R. J. Gillis, St. Peter's; J. J. McDonald, Charlottetown; and Alex McAulay, St. Peter's.

Three Masses were said at Mrs. McDonald's residence between 7 and 9 o'clock, a.m.
His Lordship was celebrant at the seven o'clock service, at which Holy Communion was received by Mrs. McDonald and her sister, Mrs. James McDonald, who is 89 years of age. The second service was by Rev. Alex. McAulay and the third by Rev. A. J. McIntyre.

At one o'clock dinner was provided. The table was spread in excellent style. In the centre was the handsome cake made expressly for the occasion by Mr. Carter of this city, and which was presented to Mrs. McDonald by Mrs. Dr. McIntyre of Souris. On the cake was inscribed "1790 - 1890; 100 years." There were also a number of other beautiful cakes on the table, and the magnificent bouquet from the Sisters of the City Hospital. On this bouquet was a Gaelic inscription of which the following is the translation: "100 years – Mrs. John McDonald." His Lordship Bishop McIntyre occupied the position of honor at the head of the table and Mgr. Gillis was vice-chairman. At the right of his Lordship sat his brother, Mr John McIntyre, who is 74 years of age, and at his left his two sisters, aged 89 and 76 respectively.

After dinner His Lordship Bishop McIntyre delivered an address in Gaelic, and Rev. A. J. McInytre spoke in English. The remainder of the afternoon was devoted to vocal and instrumental music, etc. Miss Lizzie McDonald presided at the organ. The proceedings throughout were of a highly edifying and pleasing character, and were greatly appreciated by those whose privilege it was to be present.

Mrs. McDonald herself was unable to be present at dinner, being confined to her room. However, she met and conversed freely with many of the guests. Although for some little time past, she has not been able to move about as formerly, her general health is excellent considering her great age, and her mental faculties are unimpaired. The EXAMINER offers congratulations.

Does anyone know which John McDonald this lady was married to?

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