Long Creek Baptist Basket Social, 1892

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

Long Creek Basket Social

From the Daily Examiner, November 12, 1892.

The Baptists of Long Creek held an entertainment and basket social in Mr. W. E. Stretch's Hall on Friday evening, the 4th inst. Owing to the bad state of the roads, the number present was not so large as it otherwise would have been. The hall was beautifully decorated and lighted with Chinese lanterns. At 7:30, Mr Stretch was called to the chair and the following programme was ably carried out : -

Singing - "Welcome to all"

The Choir.

Recitation - "Burns' Address to the Unco Guid."

James McLean.

Reading - "Father Phil's Subscription"

Chadwick Stretch.

Recitation - "Only the Best of Friends"

Miss Ella Robertson.

Solo and Chorus - "Harbor Bell."

Miss Annie Dickieson and Choir.

Recitation -

J. L Robertson of Ch'town.

Dialogue - "How to Win a Wife"

Seven Members of the Choir.

Song - "The Irish Schoolmaster"

Chadwick Stretch.

Recitation -

Miss Maggie McLean.

Singing, Duette - "Pilot Brave"

Messrs. D. K. McNeill and F. McLean.

Recitation - "Bachelors"

J. L Robertson.

Comic Song - "The Cork Leg."

Chadwick Stretch.

The people of Long Creek have long been noted for their grand concerts and entertainments, and it is needless to say that on this occasion they sustained their former reputation. The selections were of the highest order and were rendered in a very creditable manner. Perhaps the recitation of Mr. L. Robertson and the duet by Messrs. McNeill and McLean are deserving of special mention. Mrs. W. E. Stretch ably presided at the organ.

At the close of the entertainment, Mr. D. K. McNeill took the platform and in a manner which would do credit to a professional, auctioned off the baskets. As it was arranged that the purchaser of each basket was to dine with the lady who prepared it, bidding ran high, some of the baskets bringing several dollars. The basket bringing the highest figure was purchased by Mr. Silas McNeill for $7.55.

After all had done justice to the good things contained in the baskets, short speeches suitable to the occasion were made by Messrs. James McLean, J. L. Robertson and D. K. McNeill. All present heartily joined in singing "Auld Lang Syne," and the party dispersed more than pleased with the evening's enjoyments.

The sum realized was $78.00, which goes to help paying for the extensive repairs done to the church during the past summer.

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