Morell Concert, 1896

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, March 26, 1896


The entertainment to have been given in Morell Hall on St. Patrick's night, by the Mount Stewart Literary Society, was postponed until the 20th inst., owing to the sudden storm of the 17th. Although the bad roads of the time prevented many from attending, quite a large and intelligent audience assembled on Friday night, and judging by the generous applause bestowed on most of the performers all were highly pleased with the entertainment. Among those most worthy of mention - though it is almost needless to particularize where the general performance was so creditable - we may refer to the address by Mr. J. C. McDonald, which was certainly worthy of the grand occasion for which it was intended, and reflected great credit on the young orator. The solos also were worthy of special praise, as also the stirring Battle Song by Messrs. H. D. Coffin, A. A. McDonald, A. J. Jardine and Jos. McDonald. The recitations by Miss Blanche Coffin were highly appreciated, and fully sustained the young lady's reputation as an elocutionist. The committee of management desire to express their cordial thanks to Mr. George Hooper, who so kindly loaned his organ for the occasion, as well as otherwise favored the society.

Following is the programme:



John C. McDonald


The Shamrock.


J. F. McDonald


A. A. McDonald.


Amariah's Courtship

Duet, Rock a By Baby

Lalie McLeod and Vinie Pushie.


Miss Blanche Coffin.


Miss Daisy Cowan.

Quartette, The Battle Song

Messrs. H. D. Coffin, A. A. McDonald, A. J. Jardine, Jos. McDonald.

Stump Speech

J. J. McDonald.

Instrumental Music

A. A. McDonald and Frank McDonald.


J. F. McDonald.


The Mermaid.


Miss Coffin.


A. A. McDonald.


A Cure for Obstinacy.

God Save the Queen.

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