Pie Social at Sturgeon, 1904

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, February 24, 1904.

Pie Social at Sturgeon

A grand pie social and concert was held a few evenings ago in Sturgeon School. The roads being good and the night fine, a very large crowd gathered, and by the time the programme started there was scarcely standing room. After the opening remarks by the chairman, Mr. John Jamieson, the following programme was rendered:

Opening song and chorus - A. Jackson, T. Mason and Miss Mason.

Dialogue, "A Hard Witness" - J. A. Steele, J. M Smith, A Jackson, J. Conrad and Leslie McKinnon.

Recitation - Myrtle McKinnon.

Song - A. Jackson, Miss Mason.

Dialogue, "Going Somewhere" - J. M. Smith, A. Jackson, J. Conrad, J. A. Steele and Miss Lannigan.

Recitation - A. Jackson.

Dialogue "French Cook" - J. A. Steele, Misses M. Lannigan and J. Creed.

Stump Speech - A. Jackson.

Recitation - Lea Wright.

Dialogue, "Advertising for a Wife" - A. Jackson, J. A. Steele, J. M. Smith, and Miss Lannigan.

Solo - A. Jackson.

Recitation - J. Conrad.

Dialogue, "A Comic Negro" - John A Steele and A. Jackson.

The chief feature of the evening was the sale of pies by Messrs. John A. Steele, A. Jackson and James M. Smith, - all first class auctioneers. Notwithstanding the large crowd the best of order prevailed during the concert and sale of pies. The sum of $49.50 was realized and was donated to a charitable cause.


Gaspereaux, Feb. 16th , 1904.

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