Cherry Valley Rifle Club, 1908

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, December 23, 1908.

The Annual Prize Shooting of the Cherry Valley Rifle Club took place a few days ago. The day being fine, exceptionally good shooting was made. After the shooting, the members of the Association repaired to the home of the captain - Wm. Jenkins, Esq., where a sumptuous repast was participated in, for which a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins.

The thanks of the Association are due to the following who generously contributed prizes and made the shooting such a success, - Messrs. D. P. Irving, Hickey & Nicholson, G. F. Hutcheson, Jenkins & Son, H. H. Brown, W. J. McEachern, Prowse Bros., S. A McDonald, Fennel & Chandler, Samuel Gay and A. E. Mutch & Co.

The following scores were made:

Samuel Gay, 49

W. A. Jenkins, 46

W. J. McEachern, 47

E. McInnis, 43

Capt. W. Jenkins, 48

Robert Jenkins, 45

H. Horton, 47

Wm. Mutch, 44

Trueman Jenkins, 44

Dingwell Jenkins, 43

Spurgeon Jenkins, 45

Samuel Sealey, 42

Sydney Taylor, 37.


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