Royal Gazette, May 5, 1841, Page 61, Loyalist List

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From: Royal Gazette, May 5, 1841, Page 61:

Note: This is the same listing that is also reprinted in "An Island Refuge", page 366, by the Abegweit Branch, UELAC with a couple of minor variations (A.I.R. version does not include preamble, etc.)


Tuesday, April 20, 1841.

ORDERED, That the Report of the Special Committee, on the subject of the claims of the American Loyalists and Disbanded Provincial Troops, and their Representatives, in this Island, together with the list of Claimants attached thereto, be once published in the Royal Gazette and Colonial Herald, Newspapers.

By Order,


List of Claimants appearing in the Journals of the Council as Loyalists and Disbanded Soldiers, so far as the Committee has been able to ascertain :--

Alexander Atcheson

Daniel Grant

Alexander Aird

Daniel Grandine

John Aldeston

Samuel Grandine

Thomas Alexander

Henry Gray

William Allen

Thomas Green

Peter Anderson

Daniel Green

George Anderson

Patrick Griffin

David Anderson

John Griffin

Thomas Andrew

Benjamin Grosvenor

John Apps

William Hales

William Baker

Robert Hancock

John Baker

Captain Hayden

John Barefoot

James Lewis Hayden

John Barnes

William Heden

Lawrence Barrett

James Henderson

David Beatty

David Hoare

Joseph Beers

Robert Hodgson

John Beg

George Hopps

Samuel Bernard

Charles Hooper

William Bernard

Thomas Hooper

Walter Berry

Major Hooper

Laurence Berry

William Hony

William Bethel

John Howatt

Thomas Biggins

Nicholas Hugh

Thomas Birk

Thomas Inglis

John Black

William Isaac

Daniel Blaid

George Jacks

Abraham Blatch

Michael Jeffries

William Blatch

Francis Jennison

Alexander Bovyer

William Jutson

Samuel Braddock

Robert Keating

John Braine

Dennis Keef

John Brecken

Daniel Kennedy

John Breen

Augustus C. Kilcash

Enoch Broom

Samuel Kenney

Alexander Brown

James Laird

John Brown

Richard Lamb

John Brownyoung

Thomas Landrican

James Bryan

John Lawson

Daniel Bulkley

William Laws

John Burk

George Linklighter

James Burk

Dennis Lister

John Burnham

Michael Liston

George Burns

John Long

John Burrow

Morris Lysart

Stubertus Rymer

George Mabey

Alexander Campbell

Daniel McAlpine

James Campbell

Archibald McCallum

James Campbell

Dugald McCallum

Robert Campbell

John McCaskel

Colin Campbell

Murdoch McLeod

John Carey

Robert McLeod

John Carpenter

John McLeod

Joseph Carr

Stephen McConnell

Charles Carroll

Barnaby McCrossen

James Carver

Major Alexander McDonald

John Casey

Captain John McDonald

Michael Cailley

Lieut. John McDonald

John Chambers

Lieut. Kenneth McDonald

Robert Charotte

Lieut. Donald McDonald

Lathrop Chase

John McDonald

John Cherarie

Charles McDonald

John Clark, sen.

Alexander McDonald

John Clark, jun.

Ronald McDonald

William Clark

Allan McDonald

Lewis Clark

John McDonald

John Price Clunn

Angus McDonald

Elisha Coffin

Archibald McDonald

Isaac Colthorp

John McDonald

John Condon

Alexander McDonald

Henry Congreve

Donald McDonald,

Henry Conners

( And Sons )

Patrick Connolly

John McDonald

Peter Connolly

Ronald McDonald

Robert Cooksey

John McDonald

Peter Cosgrove

Lauchlan McDonald

Adam Coulter

Roderick McDonald

George Coswell

William McDugald

John Coxen

Hugh McEachern

Spencer Crane

Donald McFarlane

William Crane

William McGlasher

James Crocket

Dennis McGoll

Benjamin Darby

John McGregor

John Davis

Robert McInnis

William Day

John McInnis

Aaron Deval

Gallear McInnis

James Dogherty

Kenneth McKenzie

Maurice Dogherty

John McKenzie

John Dowling

Bartholomew McKie

Thomas Doyle

Alexander McMillan

Michael Doyle

Michael McNeil

Jeremiah Dayley

Michael Maloney

William Drake

Edward Mainwaring

Richard Drink

Michael Malone

John Duke

Thomas Marks

John Dutchen

William Marks

Patrick Dwyer

James Marshall

Thomas Dwyer

Michael Martin

Martin Dwyer

Matthew Meredith

Daniel Dymock

John Miller

John Eachorn

William Mishill

Andrew Eastman

Richard Moorfield

John Elmar

David Morgan

Richard Elewood

Joseph Meridah

Joseph Emanuel

Peter Mullet

Grecie Emanuel

John Murphy

Thomas English

John Murray

John Elmslie

David Murray

Sarah Elmslie

Peter Musick

Governor Fanning

M. Myers

Alexander Farquhar

William Myers

James Farquharson

Duncan Nichols

Joseph Ferdinando

Ebenezer Nicholson

B. Farrar

John Niston

William Fisher

Thomas Oakes

Alexander Fletcher

Michael O�Brien

John Ford

James Osborn

John Foy

Thomas Payte

Robert Fox

Jonathan Palmer

James Fraser

Churchill Patten

Hugh Fraser

Walter Patterson

Adam Fulmore

William Pickering

John Gillespie

Seagoe Porter

Thomas Geary

Robert Potts

Daniel Geddings

Richard Price

Barney Geonan

John Purcell

John Gibbons

John Quigley

Matthew Gigg

Morris Quintin

Donald Gillies

Nicholas Quinahan

Duncan Gillies

John Ramsay

Daniel Godfrey

James Ramsay

Thomas Gould

Alexander Rea

Moses Graham

Francis Reilly

Next Page:

William Reilly

Jesse Strang

Thomas Reynolds

Captain Strukland

Joseph Robertson

George Stukeley

John Robertson

John Sullivan

John Rollins

Daniel Sullivan

Richard Rollins

George Sutherland

William Rollins

Timothy Sylvester

Daniel Roper

Michael Sealy

Peter Rose

Thomas Tankard

Peter Roubiere

Jacob Taylor

Thomas Rysoff

John Teare

Samuel Jamieson

William Thompson

Robert Sampson

Alexander Thompson

Thomas Shoemaker

John Throckmorton

William Sensibaugh

William Townshend

Thomas Sandford

Thomas Trout

William Schurman

John Van Iderstone

Philip Sentiner

George Vickerson

Thomas Shaw

George Urquhart

James Shean

Daniel Wall

Archibald Shillan

James Wallace

John Shadown

Walter Walsh

Jonathan Shelfox

David Walsh

Frederick Shultz

James Watin

Jacob Silliker

Bohan Watts

Jeam Simon

John Welling

Joseph Smallwood

Dudley Watts

Bayne Smallwood

Nathan Wetherell

Alexander Smith

James Wharf

John Smith

Caleb Wheaton

Andrew Stacey

John Wheaton

David Stage

Leonard Wesner

John Stanburry

Daniel Wood

Adam Steel

Joseph Wood

Charles Stewart

Benjamin Wood

John Stewart

James Woodside

Dugald Stewart

William Wright

John Stipwell

Nathaniel Wright

John Stipwath

David Young

John Stannish

Philip Zeyndon

William Stock

Caleb Zeyndon

John Stonehouse


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Last Updated: 04/22/2001 10:48:34 AM
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