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Hunter River Exchange

Mrs. Gertrude Dingwell - Agent

HOURS OF SERVICE - Week Days, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Statutory Holidays 1:30 to 3 p.m. On Rural Lines, Ring Four Rings for Central.

Andrew, F. - General Store, New Glasgow - R10-5

Bagnell, A. B. - r Hazel Grove - R7-11
Bagnell, R. A. - r Hazel Grove - R7-2
Bagnell, R. A. - r Hazel Grove - R7-11

Campbell, Preston - Flour Mills, New Glasgow - R10-210
Clow, Elmer - r North Wiltshire - R8-111
Cutcliffe and Cutcliffe - Store, Hunter River - R6-1
Cutcliffe, J. A. - Store, Fredericton - R7-1

Dickieson, A. B. - r New Glasgow - R10-6

Gallant, Joseph - Store, Rusticoville - R10-21
Gallant, Robert - Lobster Factory, North Rustico - R10-13
Godfrey, Goerge - r North Wiltshire - R-8-110

Hill and Son - r New Glasgow - R10-2120

Jewell, Hammond - r Hartsville - R8-11
Johnston, A. - r Brookfield - R8-21
Johnston, Everett - Store, Brookfield - R8-2

Lamont, Donald - r Springton - R8-120
LePage, E. C. - General Store - North Rustico - R10-12
LePage, G. R. - General Store, Rusticoville - R10-11

Martin, Cyrus - r Springton - R8-121
Matheson, Benj. - r Brookfield - R8-42
Moffatt, A. - r New Glasgow - R10-510

McCoubrey, L. D. H. - Store, New Glasgow - R10-110
McDonald, D. M. - r Springton - R8-112
McDougall, W. E. - t Hunter River - R8-22
McDuff, Chas. E. - r Brookfield - R8-24
McGregor, Willard - r Hunter River - R10-112
McIntosh, D. A. - r Springton - R8-41
McLean Bros. - Store, North Wiltshire - R8-1
McLennan, Duncan - r Hartsville - r8-23
McLeod, D. M. - Store, Hunter River - 1
McLeod, George S. - Store, Fredericton - R7-12
McLeod, J. A. - r North Wiltshire - R8-13
McLeod, J. D. - Store, Hartsville - R8-32
McRae, Edward - Store, Brookfield - R8-210

Nicholson, D. D. - r Springton - R8-122
Noy and Co., P. J. - Store, Hunter River - 4-1

Orr, Warfield - r New Glasgow - R10-41

Paynter, W. W. - General Store, North Rustico - R10-1
Pineau, S. - r North Rustico - R10-1110
Pineau, Joseph N. - r North Rustico - R10-31
Portland Packing Co. - Office, North Rustico - R10-1210
Pound, William - r Fredericton - R7-3

Railway Station, Can. Nat. Rys., Hunter River - 6-3
Railway Station, Can. Nat. Rys., North Wiltshire - R8-12
Rogerson, Dr. J. A. C. - Office, Hunter River - 5
Rollings, A. J. - r North Rustico - R10-31
Royal Bank of Canada - Hunter River - 3
Royal Bank of Canada - Sub Office, North Wiltshire - R8-31

Sellar, Jacob L. - r Fredericton - R7-22
Silliphant, Ambrose - r Hunter River - R7-31
Silliphant, Lemuel - Store, Hunter River - 2
Silliphant, Robert, r Hunter River - R8-5
Stevenson, Dr. A. B. - r New Glasgow - R10-2

Tull and Bidel - Store, New Glasgow - R10-111

Wedlock, Everett - r Hunter River - 7
Weeks, Harold R. - General Store - Fredericton - R7-21
Weeks, Leslie - r Hazel Grove - R7-110
Wood, Thos. R. - r Brookfield - R8-33
Woolner, B. C. - r North Rustico - R10-32

Public Telephones

Central Office - Hunter River
Doucette, Mrs. A. - Agent, Rusticoville

Cavendish Line - Connecting at Rusticoville

Clark, F. W. - r Cavendish - R4-1

Flemming, D. V. - r Stanley - R4-4
Flemming, Rudolph - r N. Rusticoville - R4-42

Graham, W. A. - r Bayview - R4-61
Graham, Benj. B. - r Bayview - R4-7

Laird, John - r Cavendish - R4-21

Manse, the - Cavendish - R4-21

McCoubrey, J. N. - r Cavendish - R4-31
McKenzie, Robert - r Cavendish - R4-14
McNeill, A. C. - r Cavendish - R4-32
McNeill, Albert - r Cavendish - R4-22
McNeill, Alvah - r Cavendish - R4-51
McNeill, John H. - r Cavendish - R4-13

Simpson, Earle - r Stanley - R4-13
Simpson, J. H. - r Bayview - R4-11
Simpson, Mrs. Walter - r Bayview - R4-3
Simpson, Wilfred - r Cavendish - R4-110
Stewart, J. R. - r Bayview - R4-2
Stewart, Joseph I. - r Stanley - R4-12

Toombs, Hammond - r N. Rusticoville - R4-6
Toombs, L. B. - r N. Rusticoville - R4-23
Toombs, Roy - r N. Rusticoville - R4-41

Warren, P. H. - r Bayview - R4-5
Webb, E. C. - r Bayview - R4-15

Hope River Line - Connecting at Rusticoville

Blacquiere, J. L. - Store, Martin - R2-2
McDonald, Rev. W. V. - r Hope River - R2-21

Oyster Bed Bridge, or Rustico Line - Connecting at Rustico

Bulman, Daniel - r Rusticoville - R3-24
Bulman, Ernest - r Rusticoville - R3-110
Bulman, John H. - r Rusticoville - R3-1110
Bulman, R. C. - r Rusticoville - R3-111

Chandler, J. - r Wheatley River - R3-32
Chiasson, Rev. Dr. - r Rusticoville - R3-1
Clarke, John L. - r Rustico - R3-6
Craswell, Adam - r Rusticoville - R3-12
Craswell, Bismark - r Rusticoville - R3-42

Dickieson, Charles - r New Glasgow - R3-120
Dickieson, J. B. - r New Glasgow - R3-21

Gallant, Albert - r Rusticoville - R3-12
Gallant. Joseph - r Rusticoville - R3-4

Houston, Benj. - r Rusticoville - R3-5
Houston, J. S. - r Rusticoville - R3-13

Ling, T. D. -- Store, Wheatley River - R3-23

Mutch, Edison - r Wheatley River - R3-2110

McKay, John - r Wheatley River - R3-210
McKenna, Dr. S. - r Oyster Bed - R3-3

Nunn, William - r Cymbria - R3-2

Peters, A. - Store, Oyster Bed - R3-41
Peters, Joseph - Store, Rustico - R3-110
Pineau, Joseph D. - r Rustico - R3-1111

Rollings, Art - r Rustico - R3-22
Ross, Henry - r Wheatley River - R3-1210

Smith, Watson - r Wheatley River - R3-31
Stevenson, James - r Rustico - R3-211

Toombs, Fred - r Rustico - R3-121

Mayfield Rural Telephone Co. - Connecting at Rusticoville

Fraser, John E. - r Mayfield - R6-120

Houston, Gordon - r Mayfield - R6-3
Houston, James - r Mayfield - R6-4
Houston, John - r Mayfield - R6-111

Laird, Austin - r Cavendish - R6-110

Moffatt, Allan - r Mayfield - R6-20
Moffatt, William - r Mayfield - R6-21

Toombs, Alexandra - r Mayfield - R6-12
Toombs, Edmund - r Mayfield - R6-1110

Wyand, Allan - r Mayfield - R6-210
Wyand, Charles - r Mayfield - R6-11


Hunter River







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Last Updated: 10/20/2001 5:18:53 PM
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