Macphail's Desk The Island Register's

Genealogy Books, CDs and
Reviews Page - Index

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The Island Register's "Genealogy Books, CDs and Reviews" page is designed to bring you book reviews and information for books and CD's about Prince Edward Island Genealogy, History and related subjects, and a few interesting books about our neighbouring provinces. If you have a favorite book, or have written a book, and wish to promote it, this is the page to do it on! Even if a book is currently out of print, or was published eons ago, a listing here can help others by letting them know about the book and its content so they can look for a used copy or find a copy in a library.

I will do reviews of books that I have in my collection, but finances will not permit me to purchase copies of all listed books. For those I do not have, please forward a short report of 100 words +/-, including the ISBN number, author's name, where the book may be seen or purchased, and price if still available, to Dave Hunter - [email protected], and your report will be added to the page. Ordering information will be placed with each listing for in-print books. The Island Register - ( is a non profit site. There is no charge to add your listing [ sample copies are appreciated and will not be turned down, but absolutely not a prerequisite for full listing:-) ].

Please help our on and off Island users to find books of real value, and our authors to promote their work. Take a few minutes, and tell us about your favorite book!

Books Listed Alphabetically by Title

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics© 2000

Last Updated: 12/16/2000 6:10:08 PM

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