P. E. I. Rural Placename, Rural Route, and Postal Code Database Search Results!

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Database developed by - Dave Hunter - [email protected]

P. E. I. Rural Placename, Rural Route, and Postal Code Database Search Results!

Note: If you have ever tried to mail to one of P.E.I.'s many Rural communities, and not known the Rural Route number for the destination, or the Postal Code, this database should give you the answer you need. It does not include Charlottetown codes, or Summerside codes, as they may be looked up on the Canada Post Postal Code lookup site. Every attempt has been made to make this listing as accurate and complete as possible. Just type in the community name, and the Rural Route, Post Office that serves it, and its Postal Code should be displayed, as well as any other community that contains all or part of the search term. I would appreciate any updates/corrections from anyone noticing an error or change in the database - some of the information in this database is from a 30 year old listing... Those listed in capitals and in bold type are Post Offices or R.P.O.'s serving an area. See below the Database box for a link to search Canada Post's Municipal Postal Code database.
Dave Hunter, [email protected]

Here are the results of your search:

Community Rural Route Post Office Postal Code
Abney RR#4 Murray River C0A 1W0
Abram's Village RR#3 Wellington C0B 2E0
Afton Road RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Aitkens Ferry RR#2 Montague C0A 1R0
ALBANY P.O. Albany C0B 1A0
Alberry Plains RR#1 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
ALBERTON P.O. Alberton C0B 1B0
Albion RR#2 Montague C0A 1RO
Albion Cross RR#2 St. Peter's C0A 2E0
Alexandra RR#1 Charlottetown C1A 7J6
Allisary RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Alliston RR#1 Montague C0A 1R0
Alma RR#2 Elmsdale C0B1K0
Anglo-Tignish RR#4 Tignish C0B 2B0
Annandale RR#5 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Appin Road RR#1 Bonshaw C0A 1C0
Argyle RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Argyle Shore RR#1 Bonshaw C0A 1C0
Arlington RR#2 Richmond C0B 1Y0
Armadale RR#5 Souris C0A 2B0
Ascension RR#2 Tignish C0B 2B0
Ashton RR#2 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Auburn RR#3 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Augustus RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
Avondale RR#1 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Augustine Cove RR#1 Port Borden C0B 1X0
Baldwin's Road RR#5 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Baltic RR#5 Kensington C0B 1M0
Baltic Road RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
Bangor RR#1 Morell C0A 1S0
Bannockburn Road RR#3 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Basin Head RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
Bayfield RR#3 Souris C0A 2B0
Bayside RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
Bay View RR#1 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Bay Fortune RR#4 Souris C0A 2B0
Bear River RR#1 Souris C0A 2B0
Beaton Road RR#1 Coleman C0B 1H0
BEDEQUE P.O. Bedeque C0B 1C0
Bedford RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
BELFAST P.O. Belfast C0A 1A0
BELLE RIVER P.O. Belle River C0A 1B0
Belleview RR#3 Belfast C0A 1A0
Belmont RR#1 Miscouche C0B 1T0
Bethel RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
Bideford RR#2 Ellerslie C0B 1J0
Big Pond RR#3 Souris C0B 2B0
Birch Hill (Prince Co.) RR#1 Tyne Valley C0B 2C0
Birch Hill (Queens Co.) RR#1 Charlottetown C1A 7J6
Bloomfield RR#2 Bloomfield Station C0B 1E0
BLOOMFIELD STATION P.O. Bloomfield Station C0B 1E0
Blooming Point RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Bolger's Park RR#1 Bonshaw C0A 1C0
BONSHAW P.O. Bonshaw C0A 1C0
Bonwell RR#2 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Bothwell RR#1 Elmira C0A 1K0
Bouquet Point RR#2 Albany C0B 1A0
Brackley Beach RR#9 Winsloe C1E 1Z3
Brackley Point RR#9 Winsloe C1E 1Z3
Brackley Point Road (#250+) RR#9 Winsloe C1E 1Z3
Bradford RR#1 Port Borden C0B 1X0
Brae RR#1 Coleman C0B 1H0
Brae Harbour RR#1 Coleman C0B 1H0
BREADALBANE P.O. Breadalbane C0A 1E0
Bridgetown RR#5 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Bristol RR#2 Morell C0A 1S0
Brockton RR#1 Elmsdale C0B 1K0
Brookfield RR#4 North Witshire C0A 1Y0
Brooklyn (Prince Co.) RR#1 Alberton C0B 1B0
Brooklyn (Queens Co.) RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Brooklyn (Kings Co.) RR#1 Montague C0A 1R0
Brookvale RR#2 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Brush Wharf RR#2 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Boughton Island RR#1 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Brudenell RR#5 Montague C0A 1R0
Buchanan Road RR#2 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Bunguay RR#3 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Burlington RR#2 Kensington C0B 1M0
Burnt Point RR#1 Georgetown C0A 1L0
Burton RR#1 Bloomfield Station C0B 1E0
Byrne's Road RR#2 Morell C0A 1S0
Cable Head RR#1 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Caissie RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
Caledonia RR#1 Montague C0A 1R0
Cambridge RR#2/4 Montague C0A 1R0
Campbell's Cove RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
Campbellton RR#1 Bloomfield Station C0B 1E0
Campbellton (Lot 20) RR#1 Breadalbane C0A 1E0
Canada Road RR#2 Tyne Valley C0B 2C0
Canavoy RR#2 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Canoe Cove RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Cape Bear RR#1 Murray Harbour C0A 1V0
Cape Traverse RR#1 Port Borden C0B 1X0
Cape Egmont RR#2 Wellington C0B 2E0
Cape Wolfe RR#1 Bloomfield Station C0B 1E0
CARDIGAN P.O. Cardigan C0A 1G0
Cardross RR#4 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Carleton Siding RR#1 Port Borden C0B 1X0
Carleton RR#3 Coleman C0B 1H0
Cascumpec RR#3 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Cavendish RR#2 Hunter River C0A 1N0
CENTRAL BEDEQUE P.O. Central Bedeque C0B 1E0
Central Lot 16 RR#1 Miscouche C0B 1T0
Centreville RR#1 Bedeque C0B 1C0
Charnwood RR#3 Souris C0A 2B0
Chelton RR#2 Albany C0B 1A0
Chepstow RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
Cherry Hill RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Cherry Grove RR#1 Souris C0A 2B0
Cherry Valley RR#3 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
China Point RR#3 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Christopher's Cross RR#2 Tignish C0B 2B0
Churchill RR#3 Bonshaw C0A 1C0
Clarktown RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
Clear Spring RR#1 Souris C0A 1B0
Clermont RR#5 Kensington C0B 1M0
Clifton RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Clyde Station RR#4 Hunter River C0A 1N0
COLEMAN P.O. Coleman C0B 1H0
Colville Road (South) RR#3 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Colville Road (North) RR#2 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Commercial Cross RR#1 Montague C0A 1R0
Connaught RR#3 Souris C0A 1B0
Conway RR#2 Ellerslie C0B 1J0
CORNWALL P.O. Cornwall C0A 1H0
Corran Ban RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Corraville RR#4 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Covehead RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
Covehead Road RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
CRAPAUD P.O. Crapaud C0A 1J0
Culloden RR#3 Belle River C0A 1B0
Cumberland RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Cymbria RR#3 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Dalvay RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
Day's Corner RR#1 Wellington C0B 2E0
Darlington RR#4 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Darnley RR#1 Kensington C0B 1M0
DeBloise Station RR#3 Tignish C0B 2B0
DeGros Marsh RR#1 Cardigan C0A 1G0
DeSable RR#1 Crapaud C0A 1J0
Derby RR#1 Coleman C0B 1H0
Dingwell's Mills RR#2 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Dock RR#1 Alberton C0B 1B0
Dock River RR#1 Alberton C0B 1B0
Dock Road RR#1 Elmsdale C0B 1K0
Donagh RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
Donaldston RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Douglas Station RR#2 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Dover RR#2 Murray River C0A 1W0
Dromore RR#3 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Dundas RR#5 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Dunblane RR#2 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Dundee RR#2 Morell C0A 1S0
Dunedin RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Dunstaffnage RR#3 Charlottetown C1A 7J7
Durell RR#4 Souris C0A 2B0
Duvar Road RR#2 Bloomfield Station C0B 1E0
Earnscliffe RR#3 Vernon Bridge C0A 1E0
East Bideford RR#2 Ellerslie C0B 1J0
East Lake RR#1 Elmira C0A 1K0
East Point RR#1 Elmira C0A 1K0
East Royalty RR#3 (some) Charlottetown C1A 7J7
Ebbsfleet P.O. Miminegash C0B 1S0
Ebeneezer RR#10 Winsloe C1E 1Z4
Eglington RR#4 Souris C0A 1B0
Egmont Bay RR#4 Wellington Station C0B 2E0
Eldon P.O. Belfast C0A 1A0
ELLERSLIE P.O. Ellerslie C0B 1J0
Elliott's RR#4 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Elliottvale RR#5 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Ellis River RR#1 Wellington Station C0B 2E0
ELMIRA P.O. Elmira C0A 1K0
ELMSDALE P.O. Elmdale C0B 1K0
Elmwood RR#3 Bonshaw C0A 1C0
Emerald Junction RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Emerson Station RR#1 Georgetown C0A 1L0
Englewood RR#2 Crapaud C0A 1J0
Emyvale RR#4 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Enmore RR#1 Ellerslie C0B 1K0
Fairchild's Point RR#2 Murray River C0A 1W0
Fairfield RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
Fairview RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Fairville RR#5 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Fanning Brook RR#5 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Farmington RR#2 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Fernwood RR#1 Bedeque C0B 1C0
Fifteen Point RR#2 Wellington Station C0B 2E0
Five Houses RR#2 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Flat River RR#3 Belle River C0A 1B0
Fodhlah RR#3 Belfast C0A 1A0
Forest Hill RR#3 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Forest View RR#1 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Fort Augustus RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
Fortune RR#4 Souris C0A 2B0
Fortune Bridge RR#4 Souris C0A 2B0
Fortune Cove RR#3 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Found's Mills RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Fountain Road RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Fox River RR#1 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Foxley River RR#1 St. Louis C0B 1Z0
Forty Eight Road RR#3 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Fredericton RR#4 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Freeland RR#2 Ellerslie C0B 1J0
FREETOWN P.O. Freetown C0B 1L0
Frenchfort RR#3 Charlottetown C1A 7J7
French Creek RR#2 Montague C0A 1R0
French River RR#2 Kensington C0B 1M0
French Village RR#4 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Gamble's Corner RR#2 Crapaud C0A 1J0
Garfield RR#1 Belfast C0A 1A0
Gascoigne RR#3 Belle River C0A 1B0
Gasperaux RR#4 Montague C0A 1R0
GEORGETOWN P.O. Georgetown C0A 1L0
Gladstone RR#1 Murray Harbour C0A 1V0
Glasgow Road RR#10 Winsloe C1E 1Z4
Glashvin RR#1 Belfast C0A 1A0
Glenandale RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Glencoe Station RR#2 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Glencorrdale RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
Glenfanning RR#5 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Glenforest RR#4 Murray River C0A 1W0
Glen Martin RR#1 Montague C0A 1R0
Glen William RR#1 Montague C0A 1R0
Glen Wood RR#2 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Glynde River RR#2 Breadalbane C0A 1E0
Goose River RR#1 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Gowan Brae RR#1 Souris C0A 2B0
Graham Road RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Grandfather Point RR#3 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Grand River RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
Grand Tracadie RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
Grandview RR#3 Belfast C0A 1A0
Grandville RR#1 Breadalbane C0A 1E0
Green Bay RR#4 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
GREEN GABLES P.O. Green Gables C0A 1M0
Green Road RR#1 Bonshaw C0A 1C0
Greenfield RR#3 Montague C0A 1R0
Green Meadows RR#2 Morell C0A 1S0
Greenmount RR#1 Tignish C0B 2B0
Greenvale (Kings Co.) RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
Greenvale (Queens Co.) RR#4 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Greenwich RR#1 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Guernsey Cove RR#1 Murray Harbour C0A 1V0
Greenhill RR#1 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Halliday's Wharf RR#3 Belfast C0A 1A0
Haliburton RR#1 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Hamilton RR#5 Kensington C0B 1M0
Hampshire RR#2 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Hampton RR#1 Crapaud C0A 1J0
Harmony RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
Harmony Junction RR#3 Souris C0A 2B0
Harrington RR#9 Winsloe C1E 1Z3
Harpers RR#3 Tignish C0B 2B0
Hartsville RR#2 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Hazelbrook RR#1 Charlottetown C1A 7J6
Hazel Grove RR#4 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Hazel Green Road RR#5 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Head of Cardigan RR#3 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Head of Montague RR#3 Montague C0A 1R0
Heatherdale RR#1 Montague C0A 1R0
Hebron RR#1 Coleman C0B 1H0
Hermanville RR#3 Souris C0A 2B0
Hermitage RR#1 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Higgin's Road RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
High Bank RR#4 Murray River C0A 1W0
Highfield RR#7 Charlottetown C1A 7J9
Hill's River RR#1 Alberton C0B 1B0
Hope River RR#1 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Hopedale RR#4 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Hopefield RR#4 Murray River C0A 1W0
Hopeton RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
Howlan RR#3 O'Leary C0B 1V0
HUNTER RIVER P.O. Hunter River C0A 1N0
Huntley RR#2 Alberton C0B 1B0
Hurry Road RR#10 Winsloe C1E 1Z4
Indian River RR#5 Kensington C0B 1M0
Inverness RR#2 Ellerslie C0B 1J0
Iona RR#3 Belfast C0A 1A0
Iris RR#4 Murray River C0A 1W0
Irishtown RR#2 Kensington C0B 1M0
Joe Gill Road RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
Josie Joe Road RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
Kelly's Cross RR#2 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Kelvin Grove RR#4 Kensington C0B 1M0
KENSINGTON P.O. Kensington C0B 1M0
Keppoch RR#1 Charlottetown C1A 7J6
Kildare Central RR#1 Tignish C0B 2B0
Kildare South RR#2 Alberton C0B 1B0
Kilmuir RR#1 Montague C0A 1R0
Kingsboro RR#2 Souris C0B 2B0
Kingston RR#3/4 Cornwall C0A 1H0
KINKORA P.O. Kinkora C0B 1N0
Kinlock Road RR#1 Charlottetown C1A 7J6
Kinross RR#2 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Knutsford RR#1 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Langley RR#1 Charlottetown C1A 7J6
Lake Verde RR#1 Pownal C0A 1Z0
Laleville RR#1 Elmira C0A 1K0
Launching Place RR#1 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Lauretta RR#2 Elmsdale C0B 1K0
Leard's Mills RR#5 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
LENNOX ISLAND P.O. Lennox Island C0B 1P0
Leoville RR#3 Tignish C0B 2B0
Lewes RR#3 Belle River C0A 1B0
Lincoln RR#1 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Linkletter RR#2 Summerside C1N xxx
Little Harbour RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
Little Pierre Jacque RR#2 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Little Pond RR#4 Souris C0A 2B0
Little Sands RR#4 Murray River C0A 1W0
LITTLE YORK P.O. Little York C0A 1P0
Locke Road RR#1 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Long Creek RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Long River RR#2 Kensington C0A 1M0
Lorne Valley RR#3 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Lower Montague RR#2 Montague C0A 1R0
Lower Newtown RR#3 Belfast C0A 1A0
Loyalist RR#2 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Malpeque RR#1 Kensington C0B 1M0
MacDougall RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
MacNeill's Mills RR#2 Ellerslie C0B 1J0
Maple Leaf RR#3 Morell C0A 1S0
Maple Plains RR#1 Kinkora C0B 1N0
Margate RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Marie RR#3 Morell C0A 1S0
Marion RR#1 Pownal C0A 1Z0
Marshfield RR#3 Charlottetown C1A 7J7
Martin RR#1 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Martinville RR#4 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Maximeville RR#3 Wellington C0B 2E0
Mayfield RR#2 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Meadowbank RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Melville RR#2 Belle River C0A 1B0
Mermaid RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
Middleton RR#1 Kinkora C0B 1N0
Midgell RR#3 Morell C0A 1S0
Milburn RR#3 Morell C0A 1S0
Millcove RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Mill River East RR#1 Alberton C0B 1B0
Millvale RR#2 Breadalbane C0A 1E0
Mill Valley RR#4 Kensington C0B 1M0
Millview RR#1 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Mill's Point RR#1 Kensington C0B 1M0
Milltown Cross RR#2 Montague C0A 1R0
Milo RR#1 Coleman C0B 1H0
Milton RR#10 Winsloe C1E 1Z4
MIMINEGASH P.O. Miminegash C0B 1S0
MISCOUCHE P.O. Miscouche C0B 1T0
Mitchell River RR#1 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Monaghan RR#3 Mount Stewart C0A 1S0
MONTAGUE P.O. Montague C0A 1R0
Montague Junction RR#2 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Monticello RR#5 Souris C0A 2B0
Montrose RR#2 Alberton C0B 1B0
MORELL P.O. Morell C0A 1S0
Morrison's Beach RR#1 Georgetown C0A 1L0
Mount Albion RR#1 Pownal C0A 1Z0
Mount Buchanan RR#1 Belfast C0A 1A0
Mount Carmel RR#2 Wellington Station C0B 2E0
Mount Herbert RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
Mount Hope RR#2 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Mount Mellick RR#1 Charlottetown C1A 7J6
Mount Pleasant RR#1 Ellerslie C0B 1J0
Mount Royal RR#2 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Mount Ryan RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
MOUNT STEWART P.O. Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Mount Tryon RR#2 Albany C0B 1A0
Mount Vernon RR#1 Belle River C0A 1B0
MURRAY HARBOUR P.O. Murray Harbour C0A 1V0
Murray Harbour North RR#4 Montague C0A 1R0
MURRAY RIVER P.O. Murray River C0A 1W0
Muddy Creek RR#1 Miscouche C0B 1T0
Munn's Road RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
Muttart's Corner RR#2 Albany C0B 1A0
Nail Pond RR#2 Tignish C0B 2B0
Naufrage RR#5 Souris C0A 2B0
New Acadia RR#5 Souris C0A 2B0
New Annan RR#2 Summerside C1N xxx
New Argyle RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
New Dominion RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
New Glasgow RR#2 Hunter River C0A 1N0
New Glasgow Mills RR#2 Hunter River C0A 1N0
New Harmony RR#3 Souris C0B 2B0
New Haven RR#3 Cornwall C0A 1H0
New London RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
New Perth RR#6 Cardigan C0A 1G0
New Zealand RR#1 Souris C0A 2B0
Newport RR#1 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Newton RR#1 Kinkora COB 1N0
Newto(w)n Cross RR#3 Belfast C0A 1A0
Nine Mile Creek RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Norboro RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Northam RR#2 Tyne Valley C0B 2C0
North Bedeque RR#2 Albany C0B 1A0
North Carleton RR#2 Albany C0B 1A0
North Granville RR#1 Beadalbane C0A 1E0
North Lake RR#1 Elmira C0A 1K0
North River RR#4 Cornwall C0A 1H0
NORTH RUSTICO P.O. North Rustico C0A 1X0
North Tryon RR#2 Albany C0B 1A0
NORTH WILTSHIRE P.O. North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Norway RR#4 Tignish C0B 2B0
Norwood Road (part) RR#3 Charlottetown C1A 7J7
Oak Valley RR#2 Montague C0A 1R0
Ocean View RR#1 Belfast C0A 1A0
O'Keefe's Lake RR#1 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
O'LEARY P.O. O'Leary C0B 1V0
Orwell RR#2 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Orwell Cove RR#2 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Oyster Bed Bridge RR#10 Winsloe C1E 1Z4
Palmer Road RR#1 St. Louis C0B 1Z0
Palmer Road North RR#3 Tignish C0B 2B0
Panmure Island RR#2 Montague C0A 1R0
Park Corner RR#2 Kensington C0B 1M0
Peakes RR#5 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Pembroke RR#4 Montague C0A 1R0
Peter's Road RR#4 Montague C0A 1R0
Peterville RR#3 Tignish C0B 2B0
Phillip's Corner RR#3 Tignish C0B 2B0
Pinette RR#1 Belfast C0A 1A0
Pinette Bridge RR#3 Belfast C0A 1A0
Pinette Point RR#3 Belfast C0A 1A0
Pisquid RR#3 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Piusville RR#2 Bloomfield Station C0B 1E0
Pleasant Grove RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
Pleasant View RR#1 St. Louis C0B 1Z0
Point des Roches RR#4 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Point Pleasant RR#1 Murray River C0A 1W0
Point Prim RR#1 Belfast C0A 1A0
Poplar Grove RR#2 Ellerslie C0B 1J0
Poplar Point RR#5 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Portage Road (King's Co.) RR#1 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Portage Road (Queen's Co.) RR#9 Winsloe C1E 1Z3
Portage RR1 St. Louis C0B 1Z0
PORT BORDEN P.O. Port Borden C0B 1X0
Port Hill RR#1 Tyne Valley C0B 2C0
Port Wood RR#4 Murray River C0A 1W0
Primrose RR#5 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Priest's Pond RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
Princetown RR#1 Kensington C0B 1M0
Profit Corner RR#2 Elmsdale C0B 1K0
Queen's Road RR#3 Montague C0A 1R0
Rattenbury Road RR#1 Breadalbane C0A 1E0
Read's Corner RR#2 Summerside C1A xxx
Red House RR#4 Souris C0A 2B0
Red Point (King's Co.) RR#3 Souris C0A 2B0
Red Point (Queen's Co.) RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
Riverdale RR#3 Bonshaw C0A 1C0
Riverton RR#5 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Riverview RR#5 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Riverside RR#1 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Rice Point RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
RICHMOND P.O. Richmond C0B 1Y0
Rock Barra RR#3 Souris C0A 2B0
Rocky Point RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Rollo Bay RR#4 Souris C0A 2B0
Rosebank (Prince Co.) RR#1 Alberton C0B 1B0
Rosebank (Queens Co.) RR#1 Charlottetown C1A 7J6
Roseberry RR#1 Belfast C0A 1A0
Rose Hill RR#1 Miscouche C0B 1T0
Roseneath RR#2 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Rose Valley RR#4 Breadalbane C0A 1E0
Roseville RR#1 Elmsdale C0B 1K0
Ross's Corner RR#3 Summerside C1N xxx
Roxbury RR#1 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Royalty Junction RR#9 Winsloe C1E 1Z3
Ruskin RR#1 Morell C0A 1S0
Rustico RR#3 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Rusticoville RR#2 Hunter River C0A 1N0
St. Andrews RR#2 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
St. Anne RR#1 Hunter River C0A 1N0
St. Anthony RR#3 O'Leary C0B 1V0
St. Catherines (Queens Co.) RR#3 Bonshaw C0A 1C0
St. Catherines (Kings Co.) RR#2 Souris C0A 2B0
St. Charles RR#5 Souris C0A 2B0
St. Chrysotome RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
St. Edward's RR#1 St. Louis C0B 1Z0
St. Eleanor's RR#1 Summerside C1N xxx
St. Felix RR#1 Tignish C0B 2B0
St. George's RR#1 Cardigan C0A 1G0
St. Gilbert's RR#4 Wellington C0B 2E0
St. Hubert RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
St. Lawrence RR#1 Elmsdale C0B 1K0
ST. LOUIS P.O. Saint Louis C0B 1Z0
St. Margaret's RR#5 Souris C0A 2B0
St. Mark's RR#1 Bloomfield Station C0B 1E0
St. Mary's Road RR#1/2 Montague C0A 1R0
St. Nicholas RR#1 Miscouche C0B 1T0
St. Patrick's RR#1 Hunter River C0A 1N0
St. Patrick's Road RR#5 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
ST. PETER'S P.O. St. Peter's Bay C0A 2A0
St. Peter and St. Paul RR#3 Tignish C0B2B0
St. Philip RR#1 Richmond C0B 1Y0
St. Raphael RR#2 Wellington Station C0B 2E0
St. Theresa's RR#5 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
St. Timothy RR#2 Wellington Station C0B 2E0
Sailor's Hope RR#4 Souris C0B 2B0
Savage Harbour RR#4 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Scotchfort RR#4 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Sea Cow Pond RR#4 Tignish C0B 2B0
Sea View RR#2 Kensington C0B 1M0
Seal River RR#1 Cardigan C0A 1G0
Searletown RR#2 Albany C0B 1A0
Selkirk RR#5 Souris C0A 2B0
Shamrock RR#1 Kinkora C0B 1N0
Sherbrooke RR#2 Summerside C1N xxx
Sinnott's Road RR#2 Morell C0A 1S0
Skinner's Pond RR#2 Tignish C0B 2B0
SLEMON PARK R.P.O. Slemon Park C0B 2A0
SOURIS P.O. Souris C0A 2B0
South Granville RR#2 Breadalbane C0A 1E0
South Kildare RR#2 Alberton C0B 1B0
South Lake RR#1 Elmira C0A 1K0
South Melville RR#1 Bonshaw C0A 1C0
South Pinette RR#3 Belle River C0A 1B0
South Rustico RR#3 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Southampton RR#3 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
South West Lot 16 RR#1 Miscouche C0B 1T0
Sparrow's Road RR#3 Montague C0A 1R0
Spring Brook RR#2 Kensington C0B 1M0
Spring Valley RR#5 Kensington C0B 1M0
Springhill RR#2 Tyne Valley C0B 2C0
Springfield (Prince Co.) RR#1 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Springfield (Queens Co.) RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Springton RR#2 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Springvale RR#4 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Stanchel RR#2 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Stanhope RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
Stanhope Beach RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
Stanley Bridge RR#1 Breadalbane C0A 1E0
Strathcona RR#3 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Sturgeon RR#3/4 Montague C0A 1R0
Suffolk RR#3 Charlottetown C1A 7J7
Summerfield RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Summerville RR#3 Montague C0A 1R0
Tarantum RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
Ten Mile House RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
TIGNISH P.O. Tignish C0B 2B0
Tignish Shore RR#1 Tignish C0B 2B0
Tracadie Cross RR#1 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Tracadie Harbour RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
Traveller's Rest RR#2 Summerside C1N xxx
Traverse RR#1 Port Borden C0B 1X0
Trilby RR#10 Winsloe C1E 1Z4
Tryon RR#2 Albany C0B 1A0
TYNE VALLEY P.O. Tyne Valley C0B 2C0
Tyrone RR#4 North Wiltshire C0A 1Y0
Uigg RR#2 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Union Corner RR#2 Wellington Station C0B 2E0
Union North RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
Union Road (Kings Co.) RR#3 Montague C0A 1R0
Union Road (Queens Co.) RR#3 Charlottetown C1A 7J7
Upper Westmoreland RR#4 Breadalbane C0A 1E0
Upton RR#3 St. Peter's C0A 2A0
Urbainville RR#3 Wellington Station C0B 2E0
Unionvale RR#3 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Valleyfield RR#1 Montague C0A 1R0
Vernon RR#1 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
VERNON BRIDGE P.O. Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
Vernon River RR#1 Vernon Bridge C0A 2E0
VICTORIA R.P.O. Victoria C0A 2G0
Victoria Cross RR#3 Montague C0A 1R0
Victoria West RR#2 Tyne Valley C0B 2C0
Village Green RR#1 Pownal C0A 1Z0
Warren's Grove RR#4 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Waterford RR#1 St. Louis C0B 1Z0
Waterside RR#1 Charlottetown C1A 7J6
Watervale RR#3 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Webster's Corner RR#5 Charlottetown C1A 7J8
WELLINGTON STATION P.O. Wellington Station C0B 2E0
West Cape RR#1 O'Leary C0B 1V0
West Covehead RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
West Devon RR#3 Coleman C0B 1H0
West Newton RR#1 Kinkora C0B 1N0
West Point RR#2 O'Leary C0B 1V0
West River RR#2 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Westmoreland RR#1 Crapaud C0A 1J0
West Royalty RR#7 (some) Charlottetown C1A 7J9
West St. Peter's RR#2 Mount Stewart C0A 1T0
Wheatley River RR#3 Hunter River C0A 1N0
Whim Road RR#2 Montague C0A 1R0
White Sands RR#2 Murray River C0A 1W0
Wigmore Road RR#6 Kensington C0B 1M0
Wilmot Valley RR#3 Summerside C1N 4J9
Windon RR#2 Morell C0A 1S0
WINSLOE R.P.O. Winsloe C0A 2H0
Winsloe Road RR#9 Winsloe C1E 1Z3
Winsloe North RR#9 Winsloe C1E 1Z3
Wood Islands RR#1 Belle River C0A 2J0
Woodbrook RR#1 St. Louis COB 1Z0
Woodstock RR#3 O'Leary C0B 1V0
Woodvale RR#2 Elmsdale C0B 1K0
Woodville Mills RR#1 Cardigan C0A 1G0
York RR#1 Little York C0A 1P0
York Point RR#4 Cornwall C0A 1H0
Out of 595 total records, We found 595 records matching your query.

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  • Canada Post Web Site

    Canadian Civic Postal Code Lookup from Canada Post! - On the above site, you will find a search engine will allow you to search Postal Codes in any city in Canada, including the cities of Charlottetown and Summerside which each have multiple Postal Codes. Enter Street, number, municipality, and Province, and you will be given the correct Postal Code for the address you desire!

    Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics© 2001

    Last Updated: 12/08/2001 4:38:03 AM
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