P. E. I. Rural Placename, Rural Route, and Postal Code Database Search!

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Database developed by - Dave Hunter - [email protected]

P. E. I. Rural Placename, Rural Route, and Postal Code Database Search!

Note: If you have ever tried to mail to one of P.E.I.'s many Rural communities, and not known the Rural Route number for the destination, or the Postal Code, this database should give you the answer you need. It does not include Charlottetown codes, or Summerside codes, as they may be looked up on the Canada Post Postal Code lookup site. Every attempt has been made to make this listing as accurate and complete as possible. Just type in the community name, and the Rural Route, Post Office that serves it, and its Postal Code should be displayed, as well as any other community that contains all or part of the search term. I would appreciate any updates/corrections from anyone noticing an error or change in the database - some of the information in this database is from a 30 year old listing... Those listed in capitals and bold type are Post Offices or R.P.O.'s serving an area. See below the Database box for a link to search Canada Post's Municipal Postal Code database.
Dave Hunter, [email protected]
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Search Methods:
  • Exact gives an exact search for your search phrase as entered
  • All allows a match on all of the search terms you enter
  • Any allows a match on any of the search terms entered
  • Viewing the Entire Database is possible but the listing of found items will be very long. Be prepared to wait....

  • Canada Post Web Site

    Canadian Civic Postal Code Lookup from Canada Post! - On the above site, you will find a search engine will allow you to search Postal Codes in any city in Canada, including the cities of Charlottetown and Summerside which each have multiple Postal Codes. Enter Street, number, municipality, and Province, and you will be given the correct Postal Code for the address you desire!

    Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics© 2001

    Last Updated: 12/08/2001 4:34:39 AM
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