P.E.I. GenWeb © 2008
Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Visitors Since Mar. 08, 1997 !
 CanadaGenWeb Award May 1998 |  CanadaGenWeb Award Oct 2000 |
Whats New on PEI Genweb and the Island Register
Canada-wide events calendar
P.E.I. Will Database
1901 Searchable Census Index - From PEIGS/PARO!
1891 Searchable Census Index - From PEIGS/PARO!
1881 Searchable Census Index - From PEIGS/PARO!
Full 1841 P.E.I. Searchable Census - From PARO!
Prince Edward Island Baptismal Index
GPS Coordinates for P.E.I. Cemeteries!
P.E.I. Censuses and Directories From "The Island Register"!
- PEI Census's - Census Years vs. lots covered, general info, National Archives Reel #'s, Etc.
1728 Acadian Census
1728 Acadian "Rolle des habitants"
1730 Acadian Census
1734 Acadian Census
1734 Acadian "Rolle des habitants"
1735 Acadian Census
1752 Sieur de la Roque Acadian Census
- 1768 Census - First Census after the Acadian Expulsion!
- Lots of Prince Edward Island and the 1798 Online Census!
- P.E.I. 1841 Census - Lot 34 Database from Jane Sherris!
- P.E.I. 1848 Census - Lot 31 Database!
- Islanders in the Boston 1870 Census
- Registered P.E.I. Voters in California, 1872
- Islanders in the 1881 Manitoba Census
- Islanders in the 1891 Alberta & NWT Census
- Islanders in the 1901 Alberta & NWT Census
- Islanders in the 1920 Mass. Census
- 1864 Hutchinson's Directory - 1864 Prince Edward Island Directory, including an early History and Geography of the Province!
- 1864 Hutchinson's Directory Appendix - Government Members, Public Officials, Church Groups, Militia Members, etc. in 1864
- Lovell's Directory - 1871 P.E.I. Business and Farmer's Directory!
- McAlpine's Directory - 1880 - 1881 P.E.I. Business Directory!
- 1885 and 1887 Parliamentary Companions - PEI Portion of the Parliamentary Companion - Mini Genealogies and Histories of Sitting Gov't. members in 1885 and 1887.
- FenceViewer/Constables/Comm. and other Lists, 1805 - 1851
- 1880 Meacham's Atlas of Prince Edward Island Searchable Patron List
- 1928 Cummins Atlas Searchable Rural Directory
- P.E.I. Passenger lists, Ship Data and More!
- PEI Passenger Lists and Ships Database - on the Island Register
Links to Prince Edward Island Information

The above site is our sister site here on P.E.I. Please check out this page for P.E.I. Family Lineages, Online Books & Censuses, Passenger Lists, Lovell's and McAlpine's Directories, Cemeteries, Prince Edward Island Queries Page, P.E.I. Research Information and aids, and much, much more. This site contains the largest collection of P.E.I. data on the Web, and is updated almost every day. We will not attempt to duplicate all the listings on the Register Site here - It is imperative that you should check out the site.
Also Check out:
- Place a P.E.I. Query - P.E.I.'s Central Queries page on the Register!
Read Current Guestbook/Queries!
Download Guestbook Archives to date in .Zip file For Viewing Offline!
- 1863 Lake Map - (TIR) - Map Digitization Project
- PEI Will Database - (TIR)
- PEI Family Bible Database - (TIR)
- PEI Land Records Database - (TIR)
- PEI Letter Database - (TIR)
- PEI Lineages - 679 lineages currently (TIR)
- Acadian Cemetery Restoration Project - on the Fortune River! - Version fran�aise - (TIR)
- Community Museums of P.E.I. - A Guide! - (TIR)
- FHC Holdings! - A guide to P.E.I. holdings in the Family History Centres of the Mormon Church! - (TIR)
- The Canadian Center for Home Children - Cavendish, P.E.I.
- * Information about PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation ! - Publications Listing - (TIR)
- Patron's List - Meacham's 1880 Atlas
- 1893 P.E.I. Budget - Just for Fun! Budget according to an Act Of Assembly, 1893! What, No Deficit? - (TIR)
- 1866 P.E.I. Budget - Budget according to an Act Of Assy., 1866. Includes list of payments to "Paupers" (TIR)
- P.E.I. Geographic Locating Aids
- Prince Edward Island Maps! - Shellfish Maps, but give an Excellent View of Coastal Areas!
- P.E.I. Community Access Projects - Communities on the Web!
- Order P.E.I. Visitor's Guides, Maps - & other free Gov't Publications!
- Prince Edward Island Tourism Page
- Hayden's Company of the Kings Rangers - Disbanded on P.E.I. in 1783/1784.
- Shipwrecks of P.E.I. - SchoolNet Digital Collections.
- The College of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts of Canada of Prince Edward Island!
- U.P.E.I. - Genealogical resources at the University, books, newspapers, documents, etc.!
P.E.I. Museums and Archival Resources
Prince Edward Island Books
P.E.I. Newspapers and other Media
P.E.I. Library Links
P.E.I. Researcher's Home Pages
- Ancestral Trails - David Walker's Home Page!
- A Tale of Two P.E.I. Families - Moore, Poirier/Perry!
- Babcock, Bennett, Sears, Hillier, Casford, Peardon Page!
- Al Beagan's Genealogy Notes Page!
- The Betts Family of P.E.I.!
The Birts of Prince Edward Island!
- Chapy's Realm - Chapman, Boudreau, MacKenzie and others!
- Craig Buchanan's - Buchanan/Stewart Lot 57/58/67 Page!
- Climbing The Brick Walls - Dan MacDonald's Genealogy Site
- Fred Dimond's Homepage!
- Roger Dyment's PEI Family Homepage!
- Elaine Howes' Roots of Eoghann - dedicated to the Alexander Millar family who settled in
Bideford, the new site is much more a study of the historical families found "up west" PEI.
- Falconer of Stonebroke Manor - Island families include: Enman, Gay, Ladner, Nisbet, Wood & Yeo
- Juliana Jorden's Jorden Page - Lot 64 Jordan/Jordens
- Wendy Giesbrecht's Schurman/Woodside Family Page!
- Darren George's - McEachern, Panton, Docharty, and McLean Page! Also Belfast/Garfield 1880 Meacham Map!
- Tim Hebert's Acadian Genealogy Page!
- Tammy LaForme's - McGregor, McKenna Page!
- Barbara Lannigan's Family Page!
- Gordon Lavoie's - Lavoie, Poirier/Perry, Arsenault, Allain and Downing Page!
- History of the MacEachern Clan - MacEachern, Grant, Ling, and Wonnacotts!
- MacKay/Champion Genealogy - from the North Shore of Prince Edward Island
- James McLaren & Brudenell Pioneers 1803!
- MacLaren's who sailed to Greenwich, PEI, 1770!
- Dennis Matthews P.E.I. Families!
- Michael McCue's Westaway/McCue Page - and other P.E.I. Families!
- Bill Nicholson's Lodvic Nicholson Family Page!
- Descendants of Arthur Owen & Elizabeth Lee - from Princetown!
- Bill Norin's - FTM Page!
- Bill Norin's - Geocities Page!
- Tom O'Connor's Home Page - for Mass. and PEI, Canada
- Marge Reid's Irish Descendants Lots 34/37!
- Chuck Richard's Richard Family page
- William Richard's Family Page!
- Denis Savard's Arsenault Family Page!
- Stewart Genealogy - From The Isle Of Skye, To P.E.I.
- Elder John's Family - a site is dedicated to the memory of Elder John Stevenson and his wife Margaret (nee Nisbet)
P.E.I. Funeral Homes
- Belvedere Funeral Home - 175 Belvedere Ave., Charlottetown, PE, CIA 2Y9, Phone: (902) 628-1881
- Cutcliffe, Charlottetown and Hennessey Funeral Homes - 33-35 Longworth Ave., Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 7M8, Phone (902) 894-4626 : fax (902) 368-2492
- Davison Funeral Home - P.O. Box 540 Kensington PE, C0B 1M0, Phone (902) 836-3313 : fax (902) 836-4461
- Dingwell Funeral Home - Dingwell Funeral Home, P.O. Box 310, Souris, PEI, C0A 2B0, Phone: (902) 687-4803
- MacLean's Funeral Home - 15 Ole King Sq., Charlottetown, C1A 1P8, Phone: (902) 566-5549
- Ferguson Funeral Homes - O'Leary - Phone (902) 859-2768, Tyne Valley - Phone (902) 831-2500, Montague - Phone (902) 838-2577
- Moase Funeral Home - 150 Summer Street, Summerside, PEI C1N 3J6, Phone: (902) 436-2301
- Rooney Funeral Home - Rooney Funeral Home, P.O. Box 370, Alberton, PEI, C0B 1B0, Phone: (902) 853-2811
* For anyone looking for an excellent map of Prince Edward Island, one should consider the "Prince Edward Island Road Atlas", put out by the Dept. of Forestry of P.E.I. All roads are shown in its 64 pages, and very high detail is shown of each map grid. House and barn locations are shown, as well as small unpaved roads and lanes. It is priced at 12.95 + GST, and is available from:
The P.E.I. Department of Agriculture and Forestry,
Forestry Division,
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PEI.
C1A 7N8.
Phone: (902)-368-4700
Links to other Canadian Sites
Links to Cemetery Finding Aids in Canada
* - These sites may offer paid services or resources and are not financially associated with the CanadaGenWeb Project.
Last Updated: 3/7/2012 6:26:03 AM