The Telephone on P.E.I. - Related Links and Files!
Member: Telephone Collector's International
![]() | There are many fine pages pertaining to the telephone in many other parts of the world. Here, you will find links to Telephone Museums, dealers, parts suppliers and more! You will also find files related to telephone restoration. This page is being updated frequently - please check back from time to time. |
- Museums and Memorial Pages:
- David Massey's "Bell System Memorial" - Now run by the The Porticus Centre.
- "Telephone Tribute" - originated by David Massey, and now run by Bob & Sheri Stritof.
- "Montreal Nortel Retirees's Club Museum" - Click on Museum Virtual Tour
- Remco Enthoven's "The Dutch Online Telephone Museum"
- Neal McLain's "The Old CATV Equipment Museum"
- Collectors Clubs:
- Dealers [D], Repair Services [R], Other [O], and Phone Parts [P]:
- Huge selection of vintage telephones and telephone parts. - Fully refurbished and ready to use on the phone lines of today. - Experienced phone technicians on staff. - Repair and refurbishing services available. - Ask about our rental program for film/theatrical productions.
- [P/D/R] Don Woodbury's "Old Phone Works" (Canada)
- [P/D] Antique, Reproduction Phones, Parts, and Memorabilia - "Phoneco Inc."
- [P] Custom Reproduction Cords - Odis LeVrier's "House of Telephones", - catalog on request: [email protected]
- [P/D/R] Pete Blanshard's "Crank Call Antique Telephones" - other services: Bakelite repair, powder coating, eBay listing service, etc.
- [D/R] Dave Johnson's "Wistful Vista Telephone Co." Hamdon, CT.
- [D] "Bakelite Telephones at Abdy Antiques" - Collectible working British antique telephones.
- [O] Gwillim Law's "Got Phonebooks?" Telephone Directories for Sale.
- Sound Files and Telephone Commercial Links:
- Old Island Tel Commercial, c.a. 1997 - Page linking to 19 MB QuickTime Video
- Useful Phone Company Links:
- Aliant - and its member companies:
- Aliant Consumer site
- Aliant Telephone Manual Downloads - Chose from a large number of recent phone manuals!
- Aliant Wiring and Troubleshooting Guide - DIY Telephone Wiring Guide!
- Aliant Pioneers
- Telecom Pioneers - requires Macromedia Flash� plug-in.
Restoration Help Files:
Directory Cards:
This file includes scans of cards for Vista (Generic), Vista 10, Vista 150, Vista 200, Signature, and Unity Phones. These are the directory cards used on the phone to mark the numbers people have placed into memory on the phones. Please share scans of other Directory cards with me so I can make them available to others (and better scans for these for these if you happen to have a blank card). This would be helpful even if written on, as they can be cleaned up digitally. (e.g. - Anyone have a scan from a Symphony 5000 2-line phone's card?)
- Download Directory Scans! - [PDF]!
Number Cards:
For those of you who might have an older phone and would need to replace the dial center or number card, the following file will be of use to you. It contains four MS-Word files in zipped format, one containing 10 assorted old fashioned dial center images you can print out for your older phone, one with early Area Code cards, one containing 70's vintage IslandTel 902 dial centers, and one containing 5 modern dial centers and 5 modern rectangular number cards for a touch tone phone. To use these files, unzip them and save them to your hard disk, then print out in your darkest print quality on 8.5" x 11" thin card stock. Use a rubber stamp kit (e.g. Tro-Dat) to print the numbers on the inserts.
- Download Dial and Number Inserts! - zipped MS Word Files!
Telephone Set Interconnection Information Sheets (as included in original phone boxes):
- Northern Telecom - For NE-500DR/DRX/DQ1A/DQH/Q4A & Q4AX, NE-554BR/BRX/AR & BQ1A, NE-591BRW, BQA, NE-593BRW, QSQM500A/AX (Sheet # PO573224, Issue 5).
- Northern Telecom - QSQE2500AX (Sheet # PO585185, Issue 3).
I used to save these every time I got a new phone. If anyone has sheets for any other Northern Electric phone, if you could send me the sheet or a photocopy thereof, I will include them here. These are the original connection diagrams included with the phones when they were installed. They can be a wonderful help to anyone restoring these phones.
- Misc. Telephone Documents and Schematics (PDF, Gif files):
Note: If you have difficulty viewing any of these files, or see the text without the images, save the file to disk, then view it with the Acrobat viewer outside of your browser.
Listing of Various Vintage Switching, Telecom, and Teletype Tools, Part 1 - Made for my own use, but containing a cross-reference to the manufacturer's intended design useage from their catalogues for tools in my collection. Updated Frequently as new tools received. An interesting document if looking for the intended use for a tool.
Listing of Various Vintage Switching, Telecom, and Teletype Tools, Part 2 - Made for my own use, but containing a cross-reference to the manufacturer's intended design useage from their catalogues for tools in my collection. As the original file was getting very large, new additions are being placed in this file!
- Downloadable Tool BSP's!
- How to make a KS-14369 45 Volt Battery Substitute - for use in vintage test sets such as the KS-8455 Brownie or kick meter and KS-21250 L1 Portable Coin Test Set!
- Diagram for No. 1200 Type Switchboard Magneto Tel. Circuit #23 Ind Coil, Susp or Chest Trans arranged for Swng Key.This drawing is labelled 5871O.
- Diagram for Type 1200 & No. 1800 Switchboard. Magneto Cord Circuit without Rep. Coil - arranged for use With or Without Ring Back Key. This drawing is labelled 5865M.
- Diagram for #1200 - 1259 Switchboards Trunk Circuit Auto Inter Position arranged for Lamp Sigs. This drawing labelled 5866M.
- Diagram for 1200, 5, 8, 1220, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1230, 5, 6, 8, 1240, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1250, 5, 6, & 8 Switchboards Through Toll Line Circuit. This drawing is labelled 123690.
- Diagram for 1200, 5, 8, 1220, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1230, 5, 6, 8, 1240, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1250, 5, 6, & 8 Switchboards Subs. Toll & Rual Line CCT.
- Schematic for 11 Digit Strowger Wood Common Battery Set [PDF] - Scanned from original diagram.
Download Dial Card For11 Digit Strowger Wood Common Battery Set [TIF] - Scanned from original Card!.
- Schematic for Northern Electric 1317 Wood Wall set [PDF] - Scanned from original diagram.
- Schematic for Northern Electric N50-AL Candlestick [PDF] - Scanned from original diagram.
- Schematic for Northern Electric N717cg [PDF] - Drawn from actual phone wiring.
- Schematic for Northern Electric N717AH [PDF] - Original Schematic from phone.
- Schematic for Uniphone No. 5 [PDF] - showing connections to a Northern Electric N515H magneto subset.
- Schematic for RCA MI-22156 Marine Sound Powered Phone - Internal Schematic from phone.
- 1929 Western Electric #7 Catalog, pgs. 187-189 [PDF] showing the 1240D Switchboard which corresponds to the board in my collection. Thanks to Roger Conklin for photocopies of these pages.
- Northern Electric Subset Schematics - covering N415H, N400R, N400CG, N515H, N500CG - contact me by email if you wish to receive this PDF file - [email protected].
- Need a TT Pad for a Radio Transmitter? - here's an old circuit used to connect a NT35Q3A2X TT pad to a DT-75 transceiver
- Operator's Manual for a WE-145A Test Set [PDF] - Complete Manual including battery modification info.
- 1927 Northern Electric Quote [PDF] - Materials for Installation of Phone.
- Calculagraph Model 33 Manual [PDF] - Installation, Operation, and Maintenance
- Stromberg Carlson 2527-C1 Interphone Wiring Diagram [PDF] - From original drawing inside phone.
- Payphone Notes:
Getting keys made for Payphone Locks - Re-keying those orphaned locks!
- Northern Electric Pay Phone Data Sheet [PDF]: Catalog, general information on Northern Electric payphone models!
- Converting a Northern Electric Centurion Payphone for Home Use - includes information on both Prepay and Semi Postpay verions!
- Centurion Circuit Drawings - PDF
- Centurion Instruction Cards - Tif format in zip file. Includes cards for both Prepay and Semi Postpay versions!
- Converting an NE or WE 233g Payphone for Home Use - Happy Days all over Again!
- Converting an NE QSD3A Semi Post-pay Payphone for Home Use - A Semi Postpay phone conversion!
- Converting an A/E 3 Slot Payphone for Home Use - ramblings and notes of a pay phone beginner!
- I have received a document from Jim Prather, General System Practices, Engineering Plant Series Section 576-200-200 Dated April 1963. It contains general installation information for A. E. Co. paystations and includes drawings for the Type 62 prepay, type 62-55 prepay, LPA 82 prepay, LPA82-55, LPB 82 prepay, LPB82-55 prepay, LPA 86 semi postpay, LPA86-10 semi postpay, LPA 86-55 semi postpay, LPB 86 semi postpay, LPB86-10 semi postpay, LPB86-55 semi postpay, LPA-89 local prepay, LPA89-55 local prepay, LPB 89 local prepay, and the LPB89-55 local prepay types payphones. This file is 376 k in size and is in PDF format. It will superceed the previous individual scans of the LPA-82-55 and LPB82-55 phones I had here. [Download]
- I also have scans of the LPC72-55, and LPC89-55 available by emailing me.
- Notes on the repair and refurbishing of a Northern Electric NE-233 Prepay Pay Phone: Check for updates frequently!
- Wiring Diagram for a Northern Electric QSD3A Semi-postpay Pay Phone
- Conversion of a WE-233G Pay phone! - On David Massey's Bell System Memorial page now run by Porticus!
- Photos of the WE50G Pay Phone - On David Massey's Bell System Memorial page now run by Porticus!
- PDF Schematic of the WE50G Pay Phone - On David Massey's Bell System Memorial page now run by Porticus!
- Information on the WE ID2 Pay Phone - On David Massey's Bell System Memorial page now run by Porticus!
- Notes on Coin Telephone Locks - On Matt Blaze's Cryptography site!
- Automatic Electric 3 Slot Payphone Instruction Card:
This is a PDF scan of a mint original A/E 3 slot payphone instruction card which was found under the telco instruction card of my pay phone. Use a rubber stamp kit (e.g. Tro-Dat�) to print the numbers on the card once printed.
- Contact me by email if you wish to receive this PDF file - [email protected].
- Northern Electric 3 Slot Payphone Instruction Card:
This is a PDF scan of a NE 3 slot payphone instruction card. Use a rubber stamp kit (e.g. Tro-Dat�) to print the numbers on the card once printed.
- Contact me by email if you wish to receive this PDF file - [email protected].
- Nortel Centurion Payphone Instruction Card:
I have taken an MT&T Instruction card from one of my Centurions, and cleaned it up to produce a good generic Centurion Instruction card. The MT&T logo has been replaced in one version with an early Aliant logo - in the other with an IslandTel logo. This can be removed and changed to the logo of any company you wish. To view the Aliant version in your browser, Click centurionaliant.gif. To download the zipped version with the TIF images ready for printing, Click These newer TIF images should print out to the proper size in any program properly supporting the TIF format. The correct size is 2 1/2 inches high by 7 1/4 inches wide. This card should be printed out in colour on HP Premium photo paper or similar, then plastic laminated. If PSP is used for printing, three copies may be printed out on one sheet using the "Print Layout" or "Print Multiple Images" option, depending upon which version you are using.
Rust Removal:
I have discovered a product for rust removal from iron or steel objects that really works, and with minimal work on my part. I was so impressed, that I have put on a page describing the process and showing an astounding example of what it can do:
Cleaning of Dials:
It is possible to clean dials with an Ultrasonic Cleaner?
Scratch Removal and Buffing:
It is possible to remove scratches and polish older plastic and bakelite phones to restore their former sheen, restore fading and discolouration - also to remove paint without damaging the surface of the plastic:
Northern Electric Catalogues on Cd! Available from Fred Coady, these affordable disks are now available with the following Northern Electric catalogue issues: T3 (1927), T6 (2nd Edition - 1937), T7 (1947), T8 (1955) and T9 (1962 to 1972 - over 700 Pages - T9 was a loose-leaf catalogue, which was updated as new pages were issued). These catalogues contain Northern Electric's entire range of products at the time of issue, including wiring diagrams for many early NE phones. Disks are priced at $15 USD per catalogue year. Contact Fred at: fred_lawco [at] for details!
The perfect resource for the Canadian phone collector!